iCloud and little girls don’t mix - Macenstein

iCloud and little girls don’t mix

Looks like I will be turning off the “automatically sync new apps” on my iPhone now that my daughter has discovered the joys of downloading “freemium” game spam on her iPod touch.

4 Responses to “iCloud and little girls don’t mix”
  1. - Jie - says:

    I’m waiting for all the reviews now.

  2. John says:

    How old do you need to be to use “Online Lover” and “Double Date”? They sound much better than “Mall Madness” and “Dress Up Lite”.

    How many of her apps will qualify for “Games that don’t suck”?

  3. Rob says:

    LOL, my 6 year old did the same thing…well close to it…nothing like going to a meeting and seeing all these girly apps while I’m trying to present to teachers and the superintendent of schools….

    Let me throw this at you Doc…and I quote
    whatever you need to tell yourself.

    – The Doc


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