Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month October 2011: Nicole Vaunt - Macenstein

Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month October 2011: Nicole Vaunt

Nicole Vaunt

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Nicole Vaunt!

Nicole Vaunt

Nicole Vaunt

Nicole Vaunt

Nicole Vaunt

Nicole Vaunt

– Name: My name is Nicole Vaunt, or just Vaunt for short.
– Location: I live in Philly but I’m constantly traveling. I’ve been all over the country a bunch of times, and I’m even making my first independent trip to London and Paris soon!
– Occupation: Modeling is my full time gig. Two weeks out of every month I fly to a specific city and do shoots, and then the rest of my time is spent networking, tumblr-ing (one of the best sites/platforms ever, it’s both invaluable and a ridiculous time waster), making clothes and fun accessories and occasionally photographing my hot friends. I have a lot of them ya know 😉
– First Apple product you bought: The first Apple gear I got was a MacBook Pro, and I loved that thing until finally gave up the ghost 5 years later- even through the unfortunate “power cord burning into a smelly plastic mess” problem! Growing up on PCs I was amazing at how clean the interface was, how simple and hidden the mechanics of it were. Even the outside of it was slick and pretty. The magnetized power source was brilliant and the Creative Suite ran so, so well on it.
– Favorite Apple Gear: God it’s so hard to define one fav Apple product… I would have to say the iPad, simply because I feel like I’m IN the internet when I browse on it, and I love how images look on it. Magazines making a digital version of their print issues, with additional .gif and interactive features, is single-handedly revolutionizing the media. I’m tying to save up for one- anyone have a second one they’d be willing to donate??
– Favorite iPhone/iPad Apps: Gemini (.gif maker), Line2 (a second number that I can use over wifi and thus abroad without additional charges? Yes please!, Evernote (perfect for notes on the go), Yelp (I use this CONSTANTLY), Instagram (the variety of filters is excellent), HootSuite (love being able to update multiple account at once), Shazam (I use this a lot when I’m on road trips so I remember to download a song later).
– Favorite TV Shows: I don’t own a TV, but I love watching Criminal Minds, The Office, The Borgias, Secret Diary of a Call Girl & True Blood when I get the chance. Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations is great too if I’m staying somewhere that has On Demand.
– Favorite Movies: My favorite movie of all time has to be Elegy. Beautiful & tragic, that’s my jam. Plus Phillip Roth is my favorite author so I think they did a great job of translating his novella. If I’m going for a dumb comedy my top pic is EuroTrip. “Scotty doesn’t know, scotty doesn’t know, so don’t tell scotty, scotty doesn’t knooooow oooow!” God it gets me every time. Hilarious.
– Favorite Bands: Queens of the Stone Age is my favorite band, with Nine Inch Nails running a close second. Right now I’ve been listening to them mixed in with Man Man & Animal Collective.
– Hobbies: I don’t need hobbies when my life is this awesome and crazy busy already!
– Pets: Franco, my 2 year old pug (named after the dictator as a joke) is one of the loves of my life. I know everyone loves their pet and says they’re the cutest but honestly he is one handsome puppy. Not fat, perfect amount of wrinkles, curly pig tail and big brown eyes. He should be on pug calendars. And pug mugs.
– Web site(s): Wanna see more? You can! My personal website is at (Warning – some NSFW (but tasteful) pictures there). Facebook tumblr
or follow me on Twitter at!/vauntastic.

Nicole Vaunt

Nicole Vaunt

Nicole Vaunt

Nicole Vaunt

Photos by Corwin Prescott.

To see more of Nicole Vaunt, please check her out on: (Warning – some NSFW (but tasteful) pictures there)
or follow her on Twitter at!/vauntastic.

Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

Nicole Vaunt

Click image to download the high res wallpaper

Nicole Vaunt

Click image to download the high res wallpaper

Nicole Vaunt

Click image to download the high res wallpaper

Do you think you or someone you know would make a great “Mac Chick of the Month”? Send us an e-mail, or check out our application guide here or on our MySpace page for details.

12 Responses to “Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month October 2011: Nicole Vaunt”
  1. Lovro says:

    Nice comment for more MacChicks 🙂

  2. mrzo says:

    Beauty, love her skin – perfect… 😛

  3. chris says:

    hottest mac chick yet! 🙂 thank you for the set

  4. Aldo Johnson says:

    Beautiful hair, luminous skin, adorable chin, delicate nose, very pretty… mmm…

  5. Howard says:

    Not as hot as last month 😉

  6. Ed says:

    Wow, what a gorgeous natural beauty! Pretty face and nice body.

  7. Bitmatt says:

    She’s got a great website. Very different from the Mac Chick pics.

  8. ArtOfWarfare says:

    While I’ll admit that a narrow waste is pretty hot, seeing ribs isn’t. She needs to put some meat on those bones.

    • Nicole Vaunt says:

      Thanks guys! Sweet things most of you have to say, I appreciate it.
      Oh & my ribs have always shown, even when I was heavier! 🙂 Don’t worry I’m not giving up my burger and beer ways anytime soon.

  9. Marksman says:

    Very pretty! Love the shots on her site as well. Great find, Doc!

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