Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month February 2012: Mandie Mutchie - Macenstein

Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month February 2012: Mandie Mutchie

Photo by Jay J photo

Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Mandie Mutchie, a model, makeup artist, and of course, a die-hard Mac Chick!

Photo by Kurt of Artzphotos

Photo by Kurt of Artzphotos

Photo by Kurt of Artzphotos

Name: Mandie
Location: Milwaukee, WI aka the Ill Mil, aka Mil-town, haha
Occupation: Model, Makeup Artist, and Beachbody Coach!
First Apple product you bought: Well, the first one I owned was an Apple IIgs, which was great for “Oregon Trail” and “Where in the World is Carmen San Diego.” Next, I got a free iPod from (it really worked!). Then when it broke (sad!) I bought an iPod nano (8Gb – Product Red!).
Favorite Apple Gear: How can I possibly choose?! I love my iPhone. It is always with me, and has my music on it. I love my MacBook, because there is nothing I can’t do with it! I love my ipad2, because it is great to show my work to people I meet unexpectedly in the industry, and because I sometimes use it as an e-reader!
Favorite non-Apple Gear: My digital camera… I am constantly taking pictures!
Favorite TV Shows: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Beavis and Butthead (You know, the really mature, thought-provoking types of television!)
Favorite Movies: Almost Famous, Coming to America, Inglourious Basterds (and anything else Tarantino), Anchorman (and everything Will Ferrel and/or Vince Vaughan), Twins, Napoleon Dynamite, Dirty Work, Willy Wonka (the original), Kevin Smith movies, Bringing Up Baby, and John Hughes movies.
Favorite books: This wasn’t a category, but I like reading, and there’s often a book or two in my bed with my MacBook! My favorite author is Chuck Palahniuk. I try to read Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery fairly often, because it helps me keep my priorities in line. White Oleander strikes a chord with me.
Favorite Bands: I am not a fan of most current music. I rarely update what’s on my iPhone, because I’d rather listen to what’s been on there for years anyway! My music taste is all over the place and depends on my mood – pretty much everything except country and heavy metal makes me happy!
Hobbies: Spending time with the people I love, eating, reading, blogging, working out, learning, modeling…
Pets: I have a 15-pound cat named Refugio who pretty much acts like a dog!
Web site(s): – And please make sure to find me on social media! @Mandelicious on twitter and to “like” me on facebook!

Photo by Kurt of Artzphotos

Photo by Kurt of Artzphotos

Photo by Kurt of Artzphotos

Photo by Kurt of Artzphotos

Photo by Kurt of Artzphotos

Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

To see more of Mandie, be sure to check her out at:

Do you think you or someone you know would make a great “Mac Chick of the Month”? Send us an e-mail, or check out our application guide here or on our MySpace page for details.

2 Responses to “Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month February 2012: Mandie Mutchie”
  1. Jon says:

    Mandie puts the “10” in OS X and she seems like she’s a lot of fun to hang with, too.

  2. Mandie says:

    Aww, thanks! =D

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