Review: GifBoom: Animated GIF Camera - Macenstein

Review: GifBoom: Animated GIF Camera

Looking to broaden our demographics a bit, Mac Chick of the Year Veronica Ricci returns to provide an insight into Apple that was sorely under-represented here at Macenstein – namely the viewpoint of an extremely hot young girl. Enjoy!

My new favorite “App of the Moment” is GifBoomicon, a FREE app which lets you create (potentially annoying, but ultimately entertaining) animated Gifs with your iPhone and share them with people – ideal for Gif-bombing forums. If you follow my twitter or tumblr accounts, you are well aware I post pictures from my iPhone all the time. I treat my twitter and tumblr sort of like a scrap book of my life experiences, and GifBoom is one more tool in my arsenal. [Unfortunately a couple of my GIF’s ended up getting one of my accounts blocked for having a bit too much skin showing, (oops! I forgot not everyone is desensitized to nudity) but I still love making these!]

GifBoom is super easy to use and it’s free, two things I always welcome in an app. Using GifBoom is just as simple as taking pictures from your iOS camera and selecting which frames you want included in your animation. The results remind me of those old handmade flipbooks where you draw a bunch of sequential pictures and flip through them to make an animation. You can also add different frames and filters to spice up the look of your Gifs. I added a seashell frame and a “Vignette” filter to my safe for work Gif I made at the beach the other day because I like to surprise people like that. I also made another Gif at the beach with a scratchy looking black frame aptly entitled “black”.

You can EVEN slow down or speed up how fast the Gif runs. I am partial to the fastest speed. I feel like animations are stuck in molasses in the slower speed. GifBoom has a profile based system that is reminiscent of Instagram where users can check out random other user’s creations and “like”/follow that user. I chose to make myself private since GifBoom is clearly not too fond of the naughty pictures.

I will definitely be using this app a lot in the future, so stay tuned!

My dog, "Baby"

3 Responses to “Review: GifBoom: Animated GIF Camera”
  1. andrew says:

    My my my, yum ;)’

  2. Slappy says:

    Thank you V for an awesome review. Getting it.

  3. Ioannis says:

    Dr.’s “cooperation” with miss Christina is getting tighter… Hard competion for Mrs. Macenstein I guess!

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