ENTER TO WIN: IZON Remote Security camera for iPhone!!
Thank you, we have a winner! Congratulations to faithful Macenstein reader Josh!
Whether you live in a high crime area, have a shifty-eyed babysitter you don’t trust, or just want to stare at your cat all day from your office instead of working, you pretty much NEED this iZON remote room monitor! What is it? Only the COOLEST THING EVER! Imagine being able to securely monitor any room in your house remotely from your iPhone (or any iOS device), anywhere in the world, even over EDGE, with both audio AND video! Imagine being able to receive push notifications if motion or even SOUND is detected in a room. Now imagine being able to automatically upload security videos to your YouTube account! I don’t know why you would want to do that, but it’s pretty cool that you can!
Even cooler is not only can you add multiple iZons to your system to monitor an entire home, but you can even place them in entirely different locations. The applications are limited only by your imagination! (and budget, and perhaps your state’s privacy laws…). But here’s your chance to win one!
To Enter: Obviously, if you are looking for the ultimate in high-tech geeky baby monitors, the iZon is for you. But there’s bound to be other uses for this thing, like, oh I don’t know… VIDEOING THE EASTER BUNNY! So to enter, leave us a comment telling us “What weird thing would you love (OR HATE) to see show up in your security cam footage?“? (Your answer has no effect on your odds of winning, we’re just curious). Contest ends at 11:59 AM EST Tuesday, April 10th. OPEN TO US AND CANADIAN READERS ONLY. Good Luck!
I’d love to spy on myself, especially when up to no good.
I want to see if my goldfish sinks to the bottom of the bowl when sleeping
Never changed my locks when I moved in. All the previous inhabitants of the house could still be in here somewhere!
My “collection”.
My cat spy videos would rule.
I would love (or probably hate) to see my 3 yr old daughter changing the diapers of her younger brother–who is coming this summer.
I’m going to capture BIGFOOT!
Security footage is all about the footage.
I’d watch my TankBot in one hand while controlling with the other.
see my gf sleepwalking, haha
see my daughters toys come alive!
I would see which one of my Yorkies is peeing on the floor. Gotcha
I would love to finally see the gnome that steals my socks.
I’d love to see what the pets (two dogs, one cat) do while we’re away.
I live up on the seventy floor, and every once and awhile, a hawk comes and perches on my balcony. I’ve never been able to photograph it. This might do it.
I’d love for Jenn Love Hewitt to show up on my security cam. I don’t know how she’d even get in my house, but I wouldn’t call the cops, that’s for sure. 😉
I’d love one of these cams – thanks!
I would love to capture footage of the little guy who turns the light off in my refrigerator when I close the door.
At my place, the wonders never cease!
I’ve got a baby to monitor!
I’d finally be able to end the argument about which of my two sons hit the other one *first*…
I wanna paranormal activity 4!
I’d look for the elusive house hippo!
Love to see how this works
I just wanna be able to see security. That being said. I’d be terrified of looking only to see doors closing by themselves or…wait a minute. I’d love to see that. Never mind.
I would hate to catch someone doing something completely embarrassing, scarring my relationship with them for life, but I have to monitor my stuff!
Would hate to see what my brother really gets up to when he borrows the keys to my house!
On a positive note.. would love to see my home when I am traveling…
Watching the house while on vacation – I’d rather NOT see anything change.
my doppleganger
To finally see the ghost making the noise upstairs…
I would like to see it. Yes, it – what every man, woman and child wants to see but doesn’t believe. Exactly. That’s exactly what I am talking about. You’ve got it. Now wouldn’t that be great? Wouldn’t it? Mm-hm. Precisely. Thank you.
I’d love to have evidence of arguments so I could always ‘refer to the tape.’
spying on my kids.. cool.
My neighbor who hassles my dog by throwing stuff over the fence, making animal noises, and waving sticks over the fence. Then his wife calls screaming that my dog barks all day long.
If I win I will catch this on video then record the calls and put them over the video. I will host the video and put up a link so everyone here on Macenstein can watch it. It should pretty funny.
Someone dancing as Han Solo in the new Star Wars Xbox game (that’s a hate, by the way).
My ex wife
I would hate to see the monster that really lives under my bed.
What happens in my home when I am away…
I would hate and love to see my son sneaking downstairs in the
middle of the night to play on the computer.
Steve Jobs ghost
I’d love to watch my babies with this thing
I’d love to have proof of my cats plotting to kill my family.
Every morning my 3 year old twin girls wake up and have to wait for the special clock I bought them to “turn green” before they can come out of their room. I would like to use this device to make them a compilation tape to keep and show their own kids someday.
I would hate to see what all the reptiles in the reptile museum are up to when I’m gone.
see if the light in my fridge goes out when the door is closed even when I’m not at home!
I’m hoping to finally catch my cats cleaning my bedroom for a change.
Santa Claus hiding Easter eggs.
find out who keeps taking the pens from my office!
My mom break dancing…..
I want to see what awesome looks like climbing out of bed.
I have teenagers in my house. Need I say more.
Now I could finally know what my house does all day when I’m gone!