Snow White finally gets a decent Apple - Macenstein

Snow White finally gets a decent Apple

Faithful Macenstein readers Mathias Lonnstrom and his friend Diana set us some enchanting pics that prove a girl doesn’t need to find her prince so long as she finds the perfect (non-poisned) Apple.

Diana without the Snow White garb

To see more of Diana, check out Mathias’ photography site here.

3 Responses to “Snow White finally gets a decent Apple”
  1. Mike says:

    Isn’t snow supposed to have hair as black as ebony? Oh well, fictional characters, you can rewrite them to whatever description you want….

  2. Paul says:

    I’m sure Snow White didn’t have assorted hardware bolted to her lips either…

  3. drx1 says:

    It is Snow Whites red headed twin! I approve.

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