DragonVale: How to breed a Frostfire Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Frostfire Dragon

DragonVale FROSTFIRE Dragon

DragonVale FROSTFIRE Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 100 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Firefly and Cold / Cold and Scorch / Cold and Lava

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

192 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Frostfire Dragon”
  1. david says:

    omg i been breeding for frostfire for 4 days now!!! …i give up

  2. Mike Paul says:

    Lava and cold also work. Select lava first to breed with cold

  3. dinoturtle says:

    yes, I got mine from lava and cold, too

  4. Max says:

    Maybe it’s scorch and cold. I’ve been trying that. I haunt gotten it yet but it’s supposed to take alot of tries.

  5. Jess says:

    Hey I bred the firefly and mountain and got a moon dragon. When trying to get the frostfire dragon.

  6. Dragonvale says:

    I got it with scorch and cold on the 3rd try, my friena kept telling me firefly and cold and the i tried scorch and cold a few times and i got it on the 3rd try

  7. Red_Hawk_Nation says:

    I used a poison and a frost and got it on the first try.

    • Red_Hawk_Nation says:

      Correction, it was a cold not a frost.

      • Critter 962 says:

        Why did I start this game again after I lost my first version- very sad:(
        Looking for games to help rebuild – struggling to get epic breeding island to try & get Blue fire or Frost fire….
        Critter962 if anyone has a spare gem to share — thanks

    • Same here says:

      If you want to get frost fire you should breed the following:
      Letf: cold
      Right: poison

      Works like a charm?

  8. Cjlambert says:

    download legend of cryptids and put invite code widowmaker.. you get bonus for putting my name

  9. Goku says:

    couldn’t you just do a cold+fire=frost fire???????????

  10. Belle says:

    I just bred a firefly(left) and cold(right) and got a 48 Hour breeding time … Any idea what is might be ??

  11. Hafizz says:

    Poison & cold dragon also works! Thanks

  12. Haxyl says:

    Im kinda new to DragonVale (lvl 15 now)
    So, if I understand good, the chance of getting the right dragon egg you want, altho you use the correct combination, isn’t 100% sure? hmm.
    I’m trying a Cold and Lava right now for a Frostfire 😮
    Hope it works

    • Nope. Not even close. Some dragons are rarer than others so you might have a 59/50 chance with a flower dragon and a 1 in 100 chance with a rainbow, even with “the right” combo. There are usually multiple combos for each dragon (except for gem dragons where there appears to be only 1 correct combo each month) but I am only posting combos that have worked for me personally. Keep doing them and eventually you’ll get them. But it can definitely take awhile and how soon is 100% luck.
      – The Doc

  13. Becca says:

    Please add me to trade gems! My username is Becburt — I will send a gem for a gem 🙂

  14. connie says:

    Thanku for the frostfire info. i will keep trying. I will give a gem daily. I have two spots open. Gem 4 gem…add me..surferconnie

  15. Mandy200 says:

    I used the blazing and cold dragon to breed my frost fire. So frustrating! Tried with firefly and cold, scorch and cold and poison and cold! None of them worked so I tried blazing and cold, it finally worked! YAY!

  16. Lammaz says:

    Hi, looking for 3 people to trade gem for gem with. I play everyday and am looking for people who do the same.
    GameCenter ID: Lammaz

  17. Yaprakf says:

    Add me biyikli bebek yeah yeah i have the gem tree

  18. musiclicious says:

    I did Cold-Firework on the epic breeding island and got it first try!

  19. alex122334 says:

    i did scorch and cold a few times and got a sun dragon! so now i’ve been doing firefly and cold for over a week and now i got another 48 hour breeding time! weird haha.

  20. ellbert91 says:

    still no luck with frostfire tried all the combos above, add me ellbert91

  21. Lady says:

    Just did firefly+Cold on an UPGRADED epic Island and got 24 hours… Which means its about 30 “regular” hours, right? What could it be??

    • Troll_Face says:

      No normal dragons have a time of thirty hours, which means you could be the owner of a sun, moon, silver, gold or gemstone dragon.

  22. Lady says:

    Never mind… Its most probably blue moon. That explains nearly 24 hours breeding time. Cause normally its nearly 30 hours

  23. Avarule says:

    Just got a sun dragon by breeding firefly and mountain. 😀 Hopefully I’ll get frostfire next.

  24. Jay says:

    Lava and Cold 1st try!

  25. Rebelangel:) says:

    Got frostfire first try with firefly and cold on the EPI, yayy ^.^ I usually am never this lucky :3

  26. Andrew says:

    add me gem for gem hunnifand19

  27. Drayboo222 says:

    Firefly + cold got a 12 hr. incubation time first try!

  28. Dreamer says:

    I just got 48 hours breeding firefly and mountain on a daytime.
    Can this combination get a Sun dragon? I see most of you gets a moon or rainbow.
    I am actually trying for frostfire.

  29. Jose S says:

    I got a 48 hour breeding time with firefly and cold dragons

  30. Big D Nate says:

    lvl 15 blazing 10 Earth 1st try! add me friends Big D Nate

  31. Big D Nate says:

    oops wrong page meant for Solar Eclipse lol

  32. Jetx9000 says:

    Lol….. I did firefly and cold, but instead of a frostfire dragon I got a 48 breeding time. It’s probally a sun dragon 😛

  33. Bob says:

    You. Can look at them at Super Peacock! Just add me as a friend and we can trade gems too

  34. Adam says:

    Gem for gem. -Adam-26

  35. Jetx9000 says:

    Ugh, the frostfire dragon is the last dragon I need to complete all the normal dragons. I’ve gotten 3 sun dragons from this combo and no frostfire dragons… This is so stupid!

  36. Alaina says:

    This dragon isn’t in the market anymore!! This is the one of the last dragons I need. I hope it comes back soon….

    • Eric Loh says:

      Is that why I don’t get any frostfire dragon despite trying all the combinations listed here. Strange that all the limited dragons are back while this is gone. I thought this dragon got no breeding period. =(

  37. Sasha says:

    yah looks like its gone! I need this for my Egg display

    Add me – SallyQ69

  38. Jo-jack says:

    So even though they don’t show them On the
    Egg selection page the frostfire and blue fire are
    Both still breedable

  39. Raoul says:

    Will the frostfire return?? It’s the only dragon I still need.

  40. Megan says:

    Just bred frostfire twice in a row with scorch and cold, got a blue moon before that with the same combination

  41. Jdragonfire says:

    I have been trying to get this stupid dragon off and on for the better part of a year now and this is one of the few left that I need… Uggghhhhh!

  42. JustynGarrett says:

    I got it with cold on left and poison on right on second try!

  43. Yo momma says:

    I cant get him! ‘:( Been trying for a week……..

  44. Dobby says:

    I got him on first try regular breeding cave using fire+ice.Dobby hopes this helps!

  45. Novi says:

    I use fire and lichen. Got it 1 try. Btw, is it true that level of the dragon influance the rarety of the egg?

  46. Connie says:

    I’ve been trying for MONTHS. Level 40…have been able to get every Epic, every Gemstone since I’ve been able to, and yet…CANNOT BREED FROSTFIRE!!!! XD I Have given up on the Ice/Firefly cold/Firefly combos. Gah! Help please…I am trying Cold/poison combos now and still nothing…

  47. Vinny Vietti says:

    Does iceberg and fire work thx

  48. Random says:

    I did cold and firefly in epic breeding island not upgraded and got 24 hours…..what is it?

  49. Elsemteor says:

    I used firefly & ice, got me 48 hrs. Which 1 will I get Sun or Moon? I bleed at 5am.

  50. Alexia says:

    Ok um this may sound wierd but I tried firefly and ice and I got a 48 hour breeding time!!i think it could be a sun or rainbow .it can’t be moon cos its 2:30pm and I already have a moon so i don’t want another one right now!!!

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