DragonVale: How to breed a Frostfire Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 100 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Firefly and Cold / Cold and Scorch / Cold and Lava
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
omg i been breeding for frostfire for 4 days now!!! …i give up
David and Dr. Macenstein, I got FrostFire by breeding crystal and lichen on my second try. Hope this helps out.
Add me please my ID is a small cow
did firefly andcold first try got 48 hr egg possibly sun or moon
Same with me
I think it’s a sun
Guys dint give up got frostbite first try with motley and cold. It will work
Lava and cold also work. Select lava first to breed with cold
That does NOT work. I got a mountain dragon when trying that.
I got frostfire from lava and cold it does work
I am not gay.
You are gay
What happens when I breed scorch and cold
It does work, you just don’t get it on your first try.
I did firefly and cold and it said 4 hours does anybody know what that is?
I think it is a firefly dragon, however it could be a storm dragon.
Probably cold.
yes, I got mine from lava and cold, too
Maybe it’s scorch and cold. I’ve been trying that. I haunt gotten it yet but it’s supposed to take alot of tries.
Hey I bred the firefly and mountain and got a moon dragon. When trying to get the frostfire dragon.
I got lava dining that
I got a moon dragon by breeding Cold and Firefly on the fourth try. That combo gives a lot of scorch dragon also. Yet to get the Frostyfire, hope Ice and Firefly works better.
I got it with scorch and cold on the 3rd try, my friena kept telling me firefly and cold and the i tried scorch and cold a few times and i got it on the 3rd try
On which island? The epic or the normal?
I used a poison and a frost and got it on the first try.
Correction, it was a cold not a frost.
Why did I start this game again after I lost my first version- very sad:(
Looking for games to help rebuild – struggling to get epic breeding island to try & get Blue fire or Frost fire….
Critter962 if anyone has a spare gem to share — thanks
If you want to get frost fire you should breed the following:
Letf: cold
Right: poison
Works like a charm?
download legend of cryptids and put invite code widowmaker.. you get bonus for putting my name
couldn’t you just do a cold+fire=frost fire???????????
No you can’t breed opposites
Yes some breeds, like fire and water, earth and air, or plant and metal cannot be bred with each other.
I just bred a firefly(left) and cold(right) and got a 48 Hour breeding time … Any idea what is might be ??
Me too Im waiting for IT maybe it’s a moon or sun dragon depending on the time you did the breeding.
Yea a rainbow takes two days to breed. Congragulations on your new rainbow dragon!
It can’t be. Rainbow needs 4 elements to be breed. He ethier got sub or moon
Go to this website if you’d like to know what egg you have:
I’m still trying to get frostbite too. I’ve been trying for 2 days. No luck yet!
Poison & cold dragon also works! Thanks
Im kinda new to DragonVale (lvl 15 now)
So, if I understand good, the chance of getting the right dragon egg you want, altho you use the correct combination, isn’t 100% sure? hmm.
I’m trying a Cold and Lava right now for a Frostfire 😮
Hope it works
Nope. Not even close. Some dragons are rarer than others so you might have a 59/50 chance with a flower dragon and a 1 in 100 chance with a rainbow, even with “the right” combo. There are usually multiple combos for each dragon (except for gem dragons where there appears to be only 1 correct combo each month) but I am only posting combos that have worked for me personally. Keep doing them and eventually you’ll get them. But it can definitely take awhile and how soon is 100% luck.
– The Doc
U should put poison+cold got one on my first try
Please add me to trade gems! My username is Becburt — I will send a gem for a gem 🙂
Thanku for the frostfire info. i will keep trying. I will give a gem daily. I have two spots open. Gem 4 gem…add me..surferconnie
I used the blazing and cold dragon to breed my frost fire. So frustrating! Tried with firefly and cold, scorch and cold and poison and cold! None of them worked so I tried blazing and cold, it finally worked! YAY!
did you put blazing 1st or cold ?
Hi, looking for 3 people to trade gem for gem with. I play everyday and am looking for people who do the same.
GameCenter ID: Lammaz
Add me biyikli bebek yeah yeah i have the gem tree
I did Cold-Firework on the epic breeding island and got it first try!
i did scorch and cold a few times and got a sun dragon! so now i’ve been doing firefly and cold for over a week and now i got another 48 hour breeding time! weird haha.
i need a sun and moon dragon give me the best combination please
still no luck with frostfire tried all the combos above, add me ellbert91
Just did firefly+Cold on an UPGRADED epic Island and got 24 hours… Which means its about 30 “regular” hours, right? What could it be??
No normal dragons have a time of thirty hours, which means you could be the owner of a sun, moon, silver, gold or gemstone dragon.
Never mind… Its most probably blue moon. That explains nearly 24 hours breeding time. Cause normally its nearly 30 hours
Just got a sun dragon by breeding firefly and mountain. 😀 Hopefully I’ll get frostfire next.
Lava and Cold 1st try!
Got frostfire first try with firefly and cold on the EPI, yayy ^.^ I usually am never this lucky :3
add me gem for gem hunnifand19
Firefly + cold got a 12 hr. incubation time first try!
I just got 48 hours breeding firefly and mountain on a daytime.
Can this combination get a Sun dragon? I see most of you gets a moon or rainbow.
I am actually trying for frostfire.
48 hour breeding and incubation time means a rainbow dragon so you won’t get a sun dragon.
U need 4 elements for a rainbow dragon. This combo only has 3. And it does take 48 hours for a sun dragon.
I got a 48 hour breeding time with firefly and cold dragons
lvl 15 blazing 10 Earth 1st try! add me friends Big D Nate
oops wrong page meant for Solar Eclipse lol
Lol….. I did firefly and cold, but instead of a frostfire dragon I got a 48 breeding time. It’s probally a sun dragon 😛
I got a solar eclipse dragon with firefly and cold and did it again and got another one
You. Can look at them at Super Peacock! Just add me as a friend and we can trade gems too
Gem for gem. -Adam-26
Ugh, the frostfire dragon is the last dragon I need to complete all the normal dragons. I’ve gotten 3 sun dragons from this combo and no frostfire dragons… This is so stupid!
This dragon isn’t in the market anymore!! This is the one of the last dragons I need. I hope it comes back soon….
Is that why I don’t get any frostfire dragon despite trying all the combinations listed here. Strange that all the limited dragons are back while this is gone. I thought this dragon got no breeding period. =(
yah looks like its gone! I need this for my Egg display
Add me – SallyQ69
So even though they don’t show them On the
Egg selection page the frostfire and blue fire are
Both still breedable
Will the frostfire return?? It’s the only dragon I still need.
Just bred frostfire twice in a row with scorch and cold, got a blue moon before that with the same combination
I have been trying to get this stupid dragon off and on for the better part of a year now and this is one of the few left that I need… Uggghhhhh!
I got it with cold on left and poison on right on second try!
I cant get him! ‘:( Been trying for a week……..
I got him on first try regular breeding cave using fire+ice.Dobby hopes this helps!
I use fire and lichen. Got it 1 try. Btw, is it true that level of the dragon influance the rarety of the egg?
Not really
I’ve been trying for MONTHS. Level 40…have been able to get every Epic, every Gemstone since I’ve been able to, and yet…CANNOT BREED FROSTFIRE!!!! XD I Have given up on the Ice/Firefly cold/Firefly combos. Gah! Help please…I am trying Cold/poison combos now and still nothing…
Thank you!! I thought it was just me struggling with this one!!
i bred the frostfire using cold and brass. it worked the first time i used the combination.
Does iceberg and fire work thx
I did cold and firefly in epic breeding island not upgraded and got 24 hours…..what is it?
Could it be a spring dragon?
I used firefly & ice, got me 48 hrs. Which 1 will I get Sun or Moon? I bleed at 5am.
Ok um this may sound wierd but I tried firefly and ice and I got a 48 hour breeding time!!i think it could be a sun or rainbow .it can’t be moon cos its 2:30pm and I already have a moon so i don’t want another one right now!!!