DragonVale: How to breed an Ash Dragon
BUY-IT Price:500 GEMS
HOW TO BREED:Plant and Lightning / Tree and Lightning
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Plant and lightning make a cactus dragon
I bred a. Crystal and metal dragon with a time of six hours what could it be
It makes a ash dragon too. I got two ash dragons, If I breed them I get another ash dragon which I can sell for 500,000 coin. Sweet sweet money!
Got ash first try like a year or two ago they are sort of freaky
I got Ash from air and water too
Somehow managed to get one with lightning and flower or air and flower- can’t recall which. Huh. Cool.
I got it breeding quake and cactus! (was experimenting)
no you didnt i got a quake dragon
Yes, they did. You get several different kinds of dragons for one combination.
Could moss work?
Why it took me 8 tries to get this dragon I may never know………………….
Anyone want to trade gem-for-gem? I have the tree and no one to give them to! Send gems and I will send back. Please ad me: Becburt
How do I do that?
Anyone want to trade gem-for-gem? I have the tree and no one to give them to! Send gems and I will send back. Please add me: Becburt
Yes, I am interested. My nick is GIZCORE14 in game center…
I m interested 2. My Game Center account is Wizzy2014. (My guinea pig’s name is Wizzy)
I bred an ash dragon with sakura and love
I got it from crystal and lichen dragon while trying to get the emerald dragon
Lightening on left and plant on right both lvl 10 has given me 6hrs hopefully it’s ash! Add me for gem for gem daily rblake81
thats not the ash dragon’s egg anymore XD
Works with fog and flower dragons!!
I was after a seasonal, and got it in my 5th attempt, i think (both at lvl 10)
I tried lightning & plant amd got a cactus. Tried lightning with tree and got a moss. I tried lightning with cactus and got a cactus. I am currently breeding a lightning with a poison and got a 6 hour breeding time – which is definitely an ash dragon.
I was just testing plant and scorch and got it first try.
I got an ash dragon from a magnetic dragon and a swamp dragon
Does no one see the link to the full breeding list underneath the two main breeds?
Add me on game centar PREPELICA for daily trading gems. I play every day and im so trying to get some rare dragons but it doesnt work 🙁
Cactus and mine. I have gotten so many of them, but with this pair I have also breed a double rainbow, two slivers and an electrum. Hope this helps????
Cactus and Mine. Got it. Going for double rainbow!
Plz friend me on Game Center. I m Wizzy2014
I tried lightning and tree but the time is 24 hours?
Lightning and tree? 24 hours? Sorry, but I don’t know about that one
I got it with Rain and Mountian.
Wait a second ,how did you breed a rain Dragon?
NoName is bsing! there’s no such thing.
How rare is it? I got it while trying to breed a Sun or moon dragon with storm + plant
I tried 2 times for ash dragon first I did lightning tree an gotta tree second I did plant and lightning got a ash
I got mine with a cactus and flower
I got an opal with mud and lava
Lichen and storm makes ash lvl 11