Further proof that I will post ANY video that has a British man saying “aluminium” - Macenstein

Further proof that I will post ANY video that has a British man saying “aluminium”

HE SAYS IT TWICE!!! How could I resist?

Odds are I will never own a pair of headphones fine enough to display, or a desk clean enough to display things on, or have an office where real live grown-ups I want to impress with my nice headphones on my clean desk would ever see them, but if I did, I might consider getting the HeadStand™ from Just Mobile.

And do you know what the first thing I would listen to on those super nice imaginary headphones? That’s right. A British man saying ALUMINIUM.

5 Responses to “Further proof that I will post ANY video that has a British man saying “aluminium””
  1. Lars Beduhn says:

    But, Doc. Being British he says ‘Aluminum’ not ‘Aluminium’! Otherwise it weren’t British 😀

  2. teamdave says:

    ummm… He pronounces Aluminium correctly. You do realise there’s an ‘i’ after the ‘n’, don’t you?

  3. scott says:

    Was going to say the same myself teamdave. Always wondered why Americans dont pronounce the second i in Aluminium….

  4. Matty says:

    Ignorant Doc!!

  5. Joe m. says:

    Hah! Silly Brits

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