Guess that Apple Product - Macenstein

Guess that Apple Product

Think Invisible, makers of the free ThinkInvisible iPhone game, have put together a nice assortment of Apple-themed puzzles. Inspired by psychologist Gaetano Kanizsa’s “Kanizsa triangle” illusion, the effect is achieved by only showing the viewer the most important details of an image, forcing your brain to uncover and complete the rest.

There’s more fun examples on ThinkInvisible’s blog, or check out their app (free on iTunes).

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Mark for the tip!

3 Responses to “Guess that Apple Product”
  1. Tom says:

    iMac, iPhone, iPod nano, Mac mini stood on end, MacBook Air, and an Apple mouse.
    Did I win a prize?
    You owe me a nickel cigar at the very least!

  2. Dave says:

    Mac Pro, not a mini stood on end

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