The iOS 7 Makeover show!
Whether you love or hate iOS 7, one thing we can all agree on is that it certainly looks different than iOS 6. Jony Ive’s makeover brush hit just about every corner of the OS, and for the most part, I like what he’s done with the place. Of course, I’ve been using the beta for a few months so I kind of forget what iOS 6 looked like, exactly. Luckily, After iOS7 icons has put together a nice resource of continuously updated “before and after” shots of app icons as developers give them their iOS 7 makeover. It’s interesting to see which apps chose to keep most of their iOS 6 design roots, and which ones just decided to trash it completely and start over.
I love make-over shows, whether it be a house, or girl, or girl who looks like a house, so if you’re like me, head over to After iOS7 icons and check them out.
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader chillicheez for the tip!