DragonVale: How to breed a Winter Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 1500 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Air and Glacier / Moss and Snow / Forest and Blizzard
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Does any know if you can get a winter dragon in the regular breeding cave and if so what combo? (Well actually I have an upgraded cave but I don’t think that matters.) or if you can get another winter dragon using a winter dragon plus something else?
Thanks for the help!!!
Used to be able to get winter plus any kind of season dragon. But after they have changed, idk it is still able or not. I tried winter and seasonal dragon 4-5times to get another winter but didnt work.
I just bred lvl 10 winter and lvl 10 spring, and got a winter dragon.
Two headed rainbow and leap year dragon, I got 2 in a row
I tried all the other combos for weeks & it didn’t work. I tried this one twice and iot a winter dragon. Thank you so much for posting this!
I got *
I bred a Lava and Snow dragon trying to get a blue fire but i got one of these winter dragons instead
lucky me
I’ve gotten it with rainbow and leap year
What are the green eggs?
Ghost dragon from halloween
Need one more friend for daily gem swap…JALLISAM ????
Need one more friend for daily gem swap…JALLISAM ????
Still need a friend to swap with? I’ll do it! My Game Center name is MTernyey. I swap everyday! Friend me!
Give me gems and I will return!!:) wheelerds300
I got a winter dragon from trying to breed an amethyst dragon. It was like my 20th attempt for a second amethyst but I looked at the breeding time and it said 23 hours. Meanwhile, I was on my 24th attempt to try to breed a winter dragon in the regular breeding cave!
I tried about 3 times to get this dragon in the EBI with great results! I bred Blizzard x Quake. First try, I got a Rainbow. Second try, I got a Sun. Third try, I got a Winter!
I got winter on my first try blizzard and quake. Awesome, thanks!
Just got a winter dragon breeding snow with earth. Was hoping for winter or dodo.
Looking for friends to swap gems gamecenter id isabelledekip
Have been trying to get aquamarine and winter dragons in the breeding island and cave [at the same time]. river and iceberg on the island and blizzard and glacier in the cave. tried so many times… finally i decided switch breeding places and got both on the first try! all dragons are levels 11-12.
Ha your lucky , I’ve been trying for a winter on both island & cave , [tree and snow on island , air and mountain in cave] I shall try dr.Macensteins idea , hopefully it works . This is literally my last chance to get them !
I got 24 hours in regular breeding cave with air and glacier both level 10
I’m going to try for this dragon. I don’t like its looks, but atm I only have spring dragons in the seasonal habitat.
Anyone want to trade gems? I’m Winddragon777
Funny, cuz it’s one of my favorite dragons. Thanks for all the tips, everyone, I’m trying them right now. 🙂
Gem for gem. Please add me: Slim Jim Grey
Need more friends to trade gems with. GC: sammieimmaw
Add me on gamecentre —–> Flippyboo
i bred mountain and rain and got a 24 hour timer so it might be a winter dragon.(mountain level 12 and rain level 13 in the breeding cave)
Was it?
I got winter dragon with the combination of moss and snow dragon during my first try.
Okay,so this is my last chance to get the winter dragon. Literally, I have 6 hours. No EBI only cave. Which combo works best?
Try mountain and air but if you only have 6 hours it takes 24 hours for it to hatch and to be done breeding
If you have a dream dragon at the cooperative breeding cave with a fire dragon worked for me, but the second time I got a firework dragon. Hope this helped!
I got the winter dragon by breeding the mountain and air dragons on the epic breeding island not even trying to get it
I got a Winter Dragon by breeding two Galaxy Dragons. Or it was a level 11 Love Dragon with a level 11 Orchid Dragon. Probably the Galaxy dragons since I didn’t have the Winter Dragon until I pressed the blue heart. <3
I just got a winter dragon from a (level 16) Snow dragon and a (level 18) Quake dragon in the regular breeding cave.
How do we add you as a game center friend now that iOS 10 removed the game center app? We’d have to do it over texting.
Moss (15) and Snow (16) about the 5th try regular breeding cave