Review: Blur - Macenstein

Review: Blur

Odds are if you own an iPhone you have at some point changed your lock screen photo to an adorable photo of your children or pets, only to find it looks decidedly LESS adorable when covered by icons. Often the perfect lock-screen photo ends up making your iPhone’s app names difficult to read when used as Home Screen wallpaper.

blur iPhone wallpaper

Above: (top) My dog sure looks super cute on my lock screen, but he messes up my home screen. (bottom) But look! A quick pass through Blur and I have a wonderful matching home screen wallpaper!

Well, if you would like to keep the feeling and color scheme of your lock photo, but retain the legibility of a gradient background, you may want to check out Blur ($0.99 in app store), a very simple app that lets you blur your photos to create the perfect coordinated wallpapers.

iPhone wallpaper blur app

And when I say Blur is simple, I mean it. You can either snap a pic directly in the app, or choose one from your library. A lone slider bar is all the control you have over the blurriness, but the results are wonderful.

iPhone wallpaper blur app

iPhone wallpaper blur app

Even Mac Chicks can benefit from the Blur treatment! (Veronica Ricci @VeronicaRicci and Amelia Talon @ameliatalon)

iPhone wallpaper blur app

iPhone wallpaper blur app

My only criticism of the app would be that I would like the ability to zoom in on the photos and be able to choose a section to blur, if the entire photo isn’t working as I’d like, but that’s a minor quibble and I can work around it by cropping the image in another app. Anyway, for a buck it’s a fun little app that’ll have you changing your wallpapers constantly.

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