iPhone 4 - Macenstein

iSkin iPhone 4/4S case roundup – Claro, Solo, Aura

Continuing my iPhone 4/ 4S case review series, here’s a quick roundup of my impressions of three of iSkin’s latest offerings. iSkin Solo ($29.99) – Available in four translucent colors (pink, aqua, purple, and black) the Solo is your basic “rubber case”. Of course, iSkin says the Solo is made from a a special “new generation theromoplastic”, but for all intents it looks and feels like rubber. iSkin also hopes to separate it from the run... Read More

Review: PowerSkin battery for iPhone 4

As anyone who’s ever read my Wikipedia page knows, I’m an iPhone battery whore. I suppose ultimately it is a compliment to Apple that I use my iPhone so much during the day that the built-in battery alone is usually not sufficient to make through on one charge (although I suppose the case could be made that Apple could have made the thing slightly thicker and thrown in a bigger battery… but I digress). Of course, I don’t use my iPhone for anything productive... Read More

Review: Otterbox iPhone 4 Reflex Case

Ahhh iPhone Cases – the $40 accessory you never factor into the cost of owning an iPhone. Love ’em or hate ’em, the fact is you need ’em, so you might as well get a good one. Otterbox has a well deserved reputation for providing best-in-class (somewhat bulky) protection against falls and spills, and their Reflex case for the iPhone 4 is another nice addition to their lineup. While some of the colorful, slim cases offer protection from scratches on the rear... Read More


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