review - Macenstein

Review: PowerSkin battery for iPhone 4

As anyone who’s ever read my Wikipedia page knows, I’m an iPhone battery whore. I suppose ultimately it is a compliment to Apple that I use my iPhone so much during the day that the built-in battery alone is usually not sufficient to make through on one charge (although I suppose the case could be made that Apple could have made the thing slightly thicker and thrown in a bigger battery… but I digress). Of course, I don’t use my iPhone for anything productive... Read More

Review: PaintMee and SketchMee for Mac

No, that's not a photo, it's an ultra high-res, detailed sketch of a photo (scroll down) The Mac has long been thought of the “artists” computer, but what if you can’t paint or draw worth a lick? Well, odds are even if you can’t paint, you can probably take a blurry photo, right? Well, that might be all you need in order to create works of art, thanks to PaintMee (Mac App Store $7.99) and SketchMee (Mac App Store $7.99). Zooming in, you can... Read More


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