Mail - Macenstein

Lion’s Mail dredges up the past

People have long held the notion that the Mac is geared towards the “creative” mind, although usually they are referring to graphic artists using applications such as Photoshop, Painter, Illustrator and such to help express their creativity. However, with Lion, it is Apple’s OS itself that is forcing us to be creative, or, more specifically, its updated Mail app. Take a look at the screenshot below of an exchange between my wife and I. What you are seeing is... Read More

Quick Mail Tip: Find out how much space your messages are taking up

Posted by Dr. Macenstein Here’s a quick little tip you may already know about, but I just discovered while screwing around in Mail. If in your main Mail window you select an account under your INBOX, then hit “CMND+i” (the usual “Get Info” shortcut), you are presented with the Account Info window. This window defaults to the MESSAGES ON SERVER tab, which provides a sortable list of all messages currently residing on your mail server, along with their... Read More


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