Flip4Mac releases fix for QuickTime 7.2 bug - Macenstein

Flip4Mac releases fix for QuickTime 7.2 bug

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Last month we told you of a potential problem affecting users of Flip4Mac who had upgraded to version 7.2 of QuickTime. The problem consisted of users receiving “Inconsistent Audio Sample Rate” errors when attempting to export movies with uncompressed audio (we were hit while exporting from Final Cut, forcing us to use an old G5 tower which had not had its QuickTime updated to make the WMV exports).

Well, today we have some good news, as it seems the Flip4Mac team has been able to isolate and fix the problem (well, for some users, that is). There is a new beta release of Flip4Mac (v2.1.33) which apparently fixes the problem. The bad news, however, is the fix apparently causes some problems of its own for users of Sorenson Squeeze.

For customers using Sorenson Squeeze, this fix may introduce an issue with users who are doing 2-pass encoding,” writes the Flip4Mac Team. “We recommend that Squeeze 2-pass users not update to the beta at this time. We will provide an update that will address this issue as soon as possible.”

So, assuming you don’t use Squeeze, this is very good news. We’d kind of gotten used to the speedier exports from our 8-core Mac Pros.

One Response to “Flip4Mac releases fix for QuickTime 7.2 bug”
  1. kevin says:

    You wrote “new beta release of Flip4Mac (v2.1.33).”
    I think you meant “new beta release of Flip4Mac (v2.1.3.3)!”

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