Uh oh… looks like John Mayer is free January 15th…

OK, nobody panic. This may be nothing, but… a quick check of John Mayer’s website, pollstar.com, and ticketmaster.com all add up to one alarming conclusion: John Mayer is not currently touring, and by all accounts is available to play once again at this year’s Macworld. His last listed tour date was December 12th in Los Angeles (so he could still very well be in the California area, assuming he has no access to a car) and his next scheduled date is February 1st in Miami.
Of course, there has been no official announcement as to whether Mayer will indeed be showing up to play Steve off stage as he has for the last 23 Macworlds (yes, Mayer was only 7 years old when he first began promoting Apple). However, if you are a betting man, I wouldn’t put too much money down against the pasty cocksman showing up to serenade the faithful.
Calls to Mayer’s management were not returned (nor were they made… we’re not exactly Woodward and Bernstein here).
careful, Mayer will be on Apple’s board of directors soon!
Please. No.
Last album tanked, Jessica S. dumped him for Romo, and now the Mac community is dissing on him…I’d say the reason he’s free on Jan 15 is that’s the day he’s jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge!
LOL too effing funny!
Haven’t any of you noticed that Mayer has been shilling for BlackBerry for the past year? I doubt he’ll be invited by Apple again.