Write a caption, win a prize

“Where all the white women at?”
Think you’re funny enough to be the next Margaret Cho? Well, now’s your chance to prove it to the world. Write your best caption for the above photo of what we assume are 3 German rocket scientists enjoying a day at the pool, and if we think it’s the funniest,

Leave your caption in the comments below. The contest is open to everyone, anywhere, and runs until Monday (Jan 14th) at 9PM EST. You can enter more than once if you are feeling “Carrot Top“-prolific. Good luck.
(image from APTGETUPDATE)
[UPDATE: We have a winner! The winning caption was “Where all the white women at?”, sent in by Brian. Yes, it was the stupidest, and had the least to do with the actual picture, but it was the one that made pretty much everyone here laugh out loud. Perhaps our being big Blazing Saddles fans helped influence the decision, but what can we say? We’re immature idiots here, and funny is funny.
So congrats, Brian. Assuming you used a valid e-mail address, your gift certificate is on its way! We’d like to thank everyone who sent in a caption, and we had fun with this, so we’ll see if we can’t make this a regular contest here. If you have a suggestion for an amusing photo that needs a caption, please send it to us.]
The 2007 class of Mensa students decided to throw a party to celebrate a year well done.
Hurry honey, bratwurst’s almost ready!
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Here we are on the suburban tundra. Sit quietly and watch the humans in their natural habitat and how natural selection thins the herd.
Gute Arbeit, Hanz. Du sicherer Urin bist ein schlechter Leiter?
innen, hop, der Urin ist noch warm!
/// so, who´s won? ///
Life at the shallow end of the gene pool…and the tide is about to go out!
Tomorrow’s Headline……..Electrocution Experiment
power strips are very useful but they octopus connection is dangerous-.-