Apple meets Twin Peaks meets Godzilla - Macenstein

Apple meets Twin Peaks meets Godzilla

Prepare for a journey into madness. Faithful Macenstein reader killbot sent in this 1995 Japanese Apple commercial he came across on YouTube. I’m not sure how long commercial breaks are in Japan, but at 4 minutes long, this is bordering on short film territory. I have no idea what they are saying, but I’m not sure even if it were in English I would understand this. The plot seems to revolve around… um, well, it’s set in a hotel, is all I can tell you. Enjoy.

(iPhone users click here to watch the video)

3 Responses to “Apple meets Twin Peaks meets Godzilla”
  1. Count Macula says:

    Four Minutes!? You can’t seriously expect me to sit still for four minutes do you?

  2. Ethan says:

    Looks like four 1 minute installments. So you would see only one minute at a time throughout the commercial breaks of the show.

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