Bitch and you shall receive – Apple fixes “Adobe-killing” QuickTime bug

Apple today released QuickTime 7.4.1, an update which
“addresses security issues and improves compatibility with third-party applications.
This release is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users.”
I have done a test to see if this “improved compatibility with third-party applications” fixes the Adobe After Effects crashes I’ve been bitching talking about, and I am happy to say the answer seems to be “yes”. Where After Effects had been crashing at almost exactly the 10-minute mark on any QuickTime render, I have been able to render successfully a 23-minute sequence without issue.
Coincidentally, 23 is also how many days it took Apple to fix this…
Why do people blame Apple for Adobe products dyeing? If Adobe didn’t try to do things their own way and used Apple’s documentation properly then maybe just maybe this wouldn’t have happened. But of course it happened after an Apple update therefore it MUST be an Apple problem.
If you seriously installed a major update – e.g. QuickTime 7.4 – onto a production machine running a tightly-integrated product – e.g. AE – without testing it first, you deserve everything coming to you.
Sorry, but it’s true.
and then the number 23 swallowed the Doc whole… with the number following him everywhere! its the earths rotation!! OH TEH NOES!! 🙂
I to am having problems with the “new and improved” Q.T.
im trying to record a 90 min show, both audio (from a mixing console) & video from a camera (via USB) compressed H.264, standard no frills just give me a file that has both the audio and video, straight from Q.T.
No dice, after i stop the recording Q.T. takes a few minutes to processes the file, and then proceeds to pours molasses in my MBP.
after the file is made it wont play, the finder locks up, Q.T. stops responding, and everything is covered in this Q.T. goo. the only thing that will fix it is to delete the file.
now i should say that recording just audio works great… and the same for video alone… but getting the 2 together is just not working for me.
i only have 3 more chances to get this show recorded, i might have to go to other measures to insure a quality recording.
hmmf! so i dont think they have fixed anything…
-The Doc
after updating for some reason my computer crashed and had do reinstall leopard. Thank god I was able to keep my files