What? No mouse? Slacker… - Macenstein

What? No mouse? Slacker…

Check out this awesome pics sent in to Steampunk by the amazingly talented (and apparently amazingly pussy-whipped) Dave Veloz.

That’s right, that is a Mac mini, all decked out in 1800’s finery, and served up to Dave’s new bride as a wedding gift.

Not sure where the coal-powered mouse is, but I assume one is in the works.
[via Gizmodo]

2 Responses to “What? No mouse? Slacker…”
  1. David Veloz says:

    You’re funny. Here are some more detailed pictures as well: http://s135.photobucket.com/albums/q133/david_veloz/Steampunk%20re-Make/

  2. powers says:

    Shame he didn’t use Apple’s original logo.

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