If they really had balls, they would have taken this before running it - Macenstein

If they really had balls, they would have taken this before running it

I consider myself a fan of QuickTime VR, despite the fact the technology is largely relegated to sprucing up boring real estate sites and amateur “canyon vacation” VR’s. In fact I am one of the few people who seems to care if QTVR shows up on the iPhone/touch. I came across this fairly kick-ass QTVR shot of the inside of a dishwasher I just thought I’d share. It’s very well done, and I have no idea how they lit this, but of course like all QTVR, it is ultimately useless… To see an insanely giant version, click here.

6 Responses to “If they really had balls, they would have taken this before running it”
  1. JM says:

    This would have been truly impressive if they took this shot while the dishwasher was running. 😉

  2. Aaron says:

    QuickTimeVR is a Great Technology just wish Apple would do more including adding it to the iPod and iPhone.

    If you want to see some worthy VR images I suggest you visit a few of these sites:


    I just wish Apple would help reduce the cost/simplify the Process of manufacturing VR’s Not your not the only one that would like to see QTVR expanded.

  3. mr Clicky says:

    Ugly dinnerware

  4. you says:

    6 days no chicks on the page !! if you exclude the child and her mom who is a littler under average.. and has tooo much cloths from august 8.th !!! 😀

  5. you says:

    and btw. is the video still workin?

  6. unqtom says:

    Source of light is behind yellow plates 🙂

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