Steve Jobs was the world’s first Zillionaire at age 29
I was going through my dad’s sock drawer this morning, like I do every Friday, and I came across this old Playboy from February of 1985 featuring an interview with an about-to-be-ousted-from-Apple Steve Jobs.

Apparently at the ripe age of 29 Steve was the world’s first Zillionaire – no small feat, given that those are 1985 dollars (not to mention the fact that a Zillion is technically an imaginary number).
Of course, there’s always the chance that Steve may have been inflating his net worth a bit just to get chicks, as I noticed coincidentally in the issue is also an article entitled the “Art of Being Cocksure” – step 1 of which was “tell women you have a Zillion dollars“.
And drink plenty of Zima.
damn funny post.
No, it’s actually less than a phantastillion! ; )
Thanks for the good laughs! Keep them coming.
Hmm Playboy? Make that a Bra-zilian.
Is that a peZ in your pocket or are you just glad to see me.
No, it’s actually less than a phantastillion
Is that a fact or a falsely-claimed statement in the magazine? So far, the only person that I know is capable to supersede that is Bill Gates.
When I saw the picture I completely forgot about the title =)))
i get it, BRA-zillion, like the bikini wax! har har
man..I can’t believe I sold that mag on ebay and never noticed the article. now I want to read it : (
“Bra-zillion” lol
anyone else notice there’s a prescient article about Yahoo in here as well?
lol. Nice find. Dugg
Gods can make up imaginary numbers.
Anybody knows where to find the full article?
With all that loot and he still can’t find a way to have the iphone take videos, awesome!
does anyone know where a transcript of this interview can be found online?
i think that the first zilionare at lower ages are the arabian sheiks, they have awsome bussines with oil
Lets not forget that Steve Jobs was broke in the 90s i call him a Zeronaire