Wait… The Kindle was a hit?! - Macenstein

Wait… The Kindle was a hit?!

Amazon.com’s homepage is announcing that the Kindle is finally back in stock, after shortages due to insane demand.

Hello? Is this thing on? I said “insane demand for the Kindle!” Has anyone seen a Kindle in the wild? Apparently the demand is so great they had to rent out the warehouse that the government is storing the Ark in.

11 Responses to “Wait… The Kindle was a hit?!”
  1. Kelly says:

    I have only seen one Kindle in the wild. The owner seemed excited about it. He let me experiment with it, but I was unimpressed. I guess when it comes to reading I like a real book. Still, I don’t think it is a horrible idea. We should read more, and this just might get people excited about it. (Not me.)

    In a semi-related question…

    iTunes song purchases are .99, TV shows are $1.99, movie rentals are about 3.99, movie purchase are around 14.99, BUT WHY ARE AUDIO BOOKS SO EXPENSIVE???? THEY COST $29.95!!!

  2. AgentW says:

    There goes Macenstein’s allotment of Amazon ads…

  3. Chris M says:

    As a Kindle owner, I can say that the device is nothing short of fantastic. I couldn’t be happier with it and use it daily. I’ve always been an avid reader but in the last few years the demands on my time have taken away from my reading. Since I got the Kindle, I’m back reading on a daily basis and whenever I hear about a new, interesting book, I fire up my Kindle and order it. I was always skeptical of e-books because I have to take frequent breaks from my computer at home and at work due to eye fatigue, but the e-ink displays are incredible. No fatigue beyond what I would normally see from reading from a printed page.

  4. Oh well. they haven’t been doing so well lately anyway.
    -The Doc

  5. JC says:

    The only e-book reader I’ve seen in the wild is my own Sony PRS-505. The concept hasn’t really caught on, but among the e-book reading community the Kindle has certainly been well-received.

  6. bob says:

    I received a Kindle from my sister at Christmas. I have to say that it sat unused for a month. I broke it out when bored one Sunday, and started playing around with it. Three months (and about 25 books later) I have to say it’s a great gadget. The screen takes some getting used to — but once you’re used to it, watch out. Finish a book and want to start another? you’ll have it instantly. It’s addicting. You can read it in bright sunlight, something you most definitely cannot do with a Mac, or iPhone. All I can say is don’t be a hater, Kindle will have little or no effect on Macs. I’d rather carry my Kindle on a plane than three thick novels. More room in my MBP carry on bag!

  7. Boyo says:

    I have one. Ordered it back in Jan. it was delivered a week ago. It was worth the wait. Email me if you’d like to shots of it in the wild and or a quick review.


  8. Jonro says:

    I’m looking forward to the day the technology becomes available for a color eBook with a larger and thinner display. I would love to download my daily newspaper onto an eBook and be able to read textbooks one full page at a time. I’m all in favor of eBooks, but I’ll stick with paper for now.

  9. FM says:

    Dude, what’s a kindle?

  10. I have seen one Kindle in the wild. Played with it a bit. I’ll wait for Steve Jobs to reverse course and sell an Apple tablet/ebook reader.

  11. Sonyc91 says:

    Ahah, the Ark, you doubt the Amazon’s truth ?

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