Apple begins 10.5.4 speculation by releasing 10.5.3 - Macenstein

Apple begins 10.5.4 speculation by releasing 10.5.3

Apple today released the highly rumored 10.5.3 update for Mac OS X Leopard, which means we can now begin looking for hints of a 10.5.4 update.

According to Apple, 10.5.3 includes a laundry list of fixes, far too lengthy and boring for me to bother copying and pasting. If you care, you can read about them here. I for one pretty much just install these things without questioning why, and have only been burned twice (Damn you QuickTime!), but until an OS update ruins my system, I will just keep on hitting “Install 1 item”, and trusting the almighty Cupertino.

5 Responses to “Apple begins 10.5.4 speculation by releasing 10.5.3”
  1. Ernie Beal says:

    Interesting that Finder says it is version 10.5.4 post update.

  2. Berzerker says:

    @Ernie: Finder was always x.x.1 ahead of the MacOS version. When OS X Was 10.5.2, Finder said 10.5.3.

  3. Anonymoose says:

    Best. Headline. Ever.

  4. Ha ha. Must be some Time Machine glitch. 🙂

  5. swissfondue says:

    Call me crazy or lunatic, but I’ll be bold and predict that people will start speculating about 10.5.5 after 10.5.4 has been released. You can quote me.

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