Is Apple in bed with the mob on the 3G iPhone? - Macenstein

Is Apple in bed with the mob on the 3G iPhone?

Mobile carriers have long used strong-arm tactics to charge more for 3G data plans, but we never thought the mob was behind it. Until now…

Faithful Macenstein reader Art Vandalay has uncovered a conspiracy of Jimmy Hoffa-like proportions.

Above: Yes, anyone can edit it.

Apparently, if one Googles the term 3G, they are presented with the shocking truth that no one at AT&T or Apple would like to admit – namely that:

3G is the third generation of gangster mobile phones standards and technomology, supersoaking 2G.

We’re not talking the hip and cool “gangsta” with an “A“, folks. that’s an “E-R” at the end. This shit is REAL!

Obviously Steve and Co. tried their best to avoid “getting their hands dirty” with organized crime when they opted for the EDGE network for the first iPhone, but apparently someone made them a 3G offer they could not refuse. I didn’t think I could be more excited about the 3G iPhone launch, but somehow the potential for “ice picks in the back of the neck”-type of deaths in the opening day launch lines has made the mysterious 3G iPhone even more sexy.

6 Responses to “Is Apple in bed with the mob on the 3G iPhone?”
  1. Berzerker says:

    That’s hilarious lol.

  2. George Constanza says:

    He stole my name! I guess he claims to be an architect too.

  3. Matty says:

    What about supersoaking. don’t you have that in the US?

  4. Anski says:

    I was happily awaiting a 3G version of the iPhone before I realized that there is no 3G coverage in my entire state. Hurray!

  5. odin says:

    The G seems to stand for Grail, like the Holy Grail of mobile network connectivity. I still want at least 3.2MP before I hop into AT&T’s gangster clutches. MP standing for Mucho Pictures.

  6. Rabbi says:

    LOL. 3G is 5 years old over here. Waz up with that?

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