WTF? Is Sony bringing iChat to their phones before Apple?
Faithful (and eagle-eyed) Macenstein reader minimum found a video clip of a Sony prototype handset that has apparently has iChat running on it.
And when you are 55 second into the video, I think you will be able to see iChat. I think. Kinda looks like iChat… and in 1:03 even better. Yup it’s iChat.
Yep, sure looks like it to us too. Of course, we have no idea what the purpose of this video is (likely in-house promotions and means nothing), but it’s always funny when another electronics company chooses to use Apple’s designs as a sign of where THEIR technology is headed.
Time for Apple to call the lawyers.
OMG! Apple is buying SONY!
(not too long ago the oppopsite rumor was true!)
Got to love commercials for vaporware that don’t even feature the product in action.
It could be Adium instead.
I have to agree with Alan. That commercial showed a lot of possibilities, but didn’t really show the phone doing anything. Hmmmm. I think it is a lot of BS. (but yes it did look like iChat.)
Isn’t that am iPod logo the guy clicks on at 31 seconds? And isn’t he grabbing and iMac at 51 seconds?
Just a 3G broadband feature called video call….don’ read too much into this commercial.
I Think This ad was about something I don’t know, but it did give you a glimpse about new SE Devices, witch I do not care about too much…
i used to own a sony ericsson w800i. its a really well designed phone; the flagship ‘walkman’ phone. too bad the interface was atrocious. all i wound up using it for was as a phone and to take pictures of myself alone at the bar.
I was probably a graphic designer being lazy and using iChat instead of creating a new chat client. Many design firms use Macs so it should be no surprise.
Sorry I meant “It” not “I”.
The phone is a LG Wievty.
It’s PlayStation on-the-go.
I’ve seen how my friend operates his PlayStation 3.
This is very similar.
The only difference is that Sony wants you to know that you will be able to bring this technology with you wherever you go in the near future.
SONY doesn’t really care what software or platform as long as you buy the hardware from it.
That’s the ugliest chick I’ve EVER seen.
Well I don’t this is really advertising any product other than some sort of mobile phone or device that does all sorts of fun stuff. Yes the chat client is iChat, but as someone else said they were probably just using Macs to demonstrate that this phone or whatever it is can communicate with ‘computers’ and a Mac being a computer it wouldn’t be too difficult to assume that you could chat with someone using iChat on their Mac using this phone as iChat does support several different messaging clients.