Justin “I’m a Mac” Long now dating Kirsten Dunst - Macenstein

Justin “I’m a Mac” Long now dating Kirsten Dunst

That’s right. According to the New York Daily News, Apple pitchman Long and “Celebrity Mac chick” Dunst were spotted “…making out hard-core while waiting in line for margaritas. They were holding hands and were all over each other.

Long has become quite the cocksman of late. Just a month ago Long and Drew Barrymore “were all over each other” until the pressure of the iPhone 3G launch broke the couple up. (We’re assuming). To the best of knowledge, John “I’m aPC” Hodgman is still dating Cloris Leachman.

6 Responses to “Justin “I’m a Mac” Long now dating Kirsten Dunst”
  1. Leave Cloris Alooone!

  2. Jonro says:

    “I’ll give you an iPhone 3G if you’ll go out with me.” Best pickup line in the world.

  3. Tom Foolery says:

    so we can assume that anyone who dates him is a mac chick. regardless of whether they own a mac product

  4. Tom,
    No, click the link above – there is a pic of Dunst using a MacBook Pro.
    -The Doc

  5. acidscan says:

    I hate that guy !

  6. trevorblanco says:

    I never realized before how disproportional her head is to her body.

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