Bill Jobs is one smart, rich, and disturbing looking man - Macenstein

Bill Jobs is one smart, rich, and disturbing looking man

Everyone knows Mac and PC users are so genetically different that they cannot produce offspring, but what if they could…? Celebrity Morphing decided to do the unthinkable, morph Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and see what their Proposition 8 love child might look like. Behold Bill Jobs.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Mike for the link!

4 Responses to “Bill Jobs is one smart, rich, and disturbing looking man”
  1. Tice says:

    … eew … scary … perfect for halloween! ; )

  2. dizzy says:

    It is scary and perfect for halloween, but a world that better describes it for me is disturbing.

  3. dizzy says:

    er… world = word
    I hate stupid typos where you put the entire wrong word b/c you are multitasking

  4. Ethan says:

    “…Proposition 8 love child…”

    Haha. That was great. Voted yes, by the way.

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