Apple History: Interview with Apple co-founder Ronald Wayne - Macenstein

Apple History: Interview with Apple co-founder Ronald Wayne

You know Woz, and Jobs, and Prancer and Vixen, but do your recall Ronald Wayne? Well, Dutch news show One More Thing did, and they managed to track down the elusive 3rd co-founder of Apple, and conducted a pretty interesting interview (well, interesting if you are obsessed with Apple minutia, like me). If you’ve ever wondered “Heeft u ooit spijt gehad van uw vertrek?” or “Heeft Steve Jobs uw adviezen overgenomen?”, you’ll finally get your answers. (Don’t worry, Wayne’s answers are in English, and he’s exceedingly candid). [Edit: These clips appear to be unaired portions of an interview conducted for the “Welcome to the Macintosh” DVD. Thanks Matthew and iShervin]. [Edit2: Nope, looks like it’s an original OMT interview, shot during a promotion for the “Welcome to Macintosh DVD”. Thanks Jan!]

Among the things we learn: Wayne created the horrible “Newton” themed Apple logo, once owned 10% of Apple, Woz needed everything explained to him 60,000 times using small words, and Steve Jobs was such a maniac when it came to making risky financial backroom deals, that he eventually scared Wayne into leaving the company.

One More Thing podcast #152: Ronald Wayne, medeoprichter Apple from One More Thing on Vimeo.

Thanks to faithful Dutch Macenstein reader Bor de Kock for the link!

7 Responses to “Apple History: Interview with Apple co-founder Ronald Wayne”
  1. they had an interview with him on the documentary “Welcome to the Macintosh”

  2. iShervin says:

    amazing,,, as Matthew said, this is the same interview as “welcome to the macintosh dvd” but these bits weren’t there! as I watched the dvd twice!

  3. you can edit your edit 🙂

    This interview was recorded by One More Thing during MacWorld in San Francisco. Ronald Wayne was there as a special guest, invited by the directors of the Welcome to Macintosh documentary. Our interview with the directors is yet to come, so stay tuned to One More Thing!!

  4. Bor says:

    I just asked the OMT people, and they say it’s not true. It’s a different interview with the same Wayne.

  5. edit nr 4 🙂

    This interview was not shot at the same location as the recordings for the DVD. Wayne was in Sanfran to promote the dvd. The director of Welcome to Macintosh was sitting next to me beside the camera. Location: The Good Hotel, San Francisco

  6. LucasJV says:

    Awesome, doc. Another Dutch macenstein reader out here!

  7. Sykes says:

    This is a lovely interview! I like Ronald. 🙂 I wonder if he uses Macs at home today.

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