NSFW: Virtual FU App for the iPhone - Macenstein

NSFW: Virtual FU App for the iPhone

Man, I haven’t been hurting for “Stupid Mac News” like this since the “Stupid Mac News Famine” of ’02. Well, lucky for me I have both YouTube and my faithful Macenstein readers to keep me alive (if just barely). Making it a 3-in-a-row video post trifecta (and a straight box for fake Apple ads), comes this pretty sweet ad by Rob Alphonse for a Virtual “F— You” app for the iPhone. Sadly, given the way the app store is heading, this application can’t be all that far off.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader (and we assume, smoking hot Mac Chick) Janice for the tip!

3 Responses to “NSFW: Virtual FU App for the iPhone”
  1. Lonnie says:

    you are GOLD, doc.

  2. iShervin says:


  3. Not safe for work?

    Man, you clearly don’t work where I do.

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