I’m certainly not one of those “If you can’t speak the language, get out of the country” kind of guys, but if you are making an application specifically designed to teach young children to read…

Which of “folloing” 3 farms is goat?
If you are not certain which of those farms is a goat, you might want to buy Kid Recognize, the $3.99 educational app designed to give your kids a jump start in the world of academia. And don’t worry, this app will make you feel like a genius even if you can’t tell “farm from polar bear!” Check out their rating scheme:
Super means there’s no mistake made.
A+ means 80%-99% of the answers are correct.
A means 60%-79% of the answers are correct.
A- means 40%-59% of the answers are correct.
B+ means 1%-39% of the answers are correct.
B means no answer is correct.
Man, that totally prepares kids for the real world!
No thanks for the offer…
What? You don’t have any free licenses of this app to give away? I’m eager to get my niece to start learning using this app.
@ Dave,
I’ll look into it.
– The Doc
What’s funny is, as wrong as that sentence is, my mind added the words “the” and “a”, to make it “Which of THE folloing 3 farms is A goat”. Too funny. Sounds like “Must capture Moose and Squirrel” talk.
This is very sad.
I am interested to see what some other other game slides say?
“Which of thees cats kids favor wiper sip?
Funny stuff doc
Guess they don’t expect kids to get 100% correct either?
it just went on sale of the super low price of FREE!!! I guess the developer realized it importend for all of childrens to learn good.
Hey, those icons are the Farm icons from Julia Nikolaeva! Hope the developer paid for that.
Here’s her website (if you just want the icons):
Do you know Julia, or where can I find here? I need her to make some designs for my project. I love her work!!
@Richard Nope there’s a “SUPER”
Obviously, they programmed this app on the iPhone and it auto-corrected.