Jailbreaking provides MASSIVE increase in iPhone battery life - Macenstein

Jailbreaking provides MASSIVE increase in iPhone battery life

Just one more benefit to Jailbreaking the iPhone. Check out this incredibly messed up battery charge sensor amazing increase in battery life one lucky jailbreaker is experiencing on his iPhone!

If that’s LOW battery, odds are this dude’s iPhone can now power Connecticut, or at least Rhode Island.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Rich for the link!

[via imageshack]

7 Responses to “Jailbreaking provides MASSIVE increase in iPhone battery life”
  1. Graham says:

    Woohoo! Rhode Island!

  2. Justin says:

    This was an early 3.0 bug…………………..hardly warrants a story?

  3. Bjöggi says:

    Justin… this is a blog not Cnn.com

  4. Bjöggi says:

    BTW, love your site!

  5. Justin, in case this is your first time here, NONE of the things I write about warrant a story.
    – The Doc

  6. John says:

    Those Connecticut drivers are so damn slow they need SOME sort of power boost. Maybe this is the trick…

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