Steve not returning your e-mails? Ask El Jobso!
With the recent flurry of short and sweet e-mail responses from everyone’s favorite Apple CEO, odds are Steve’s inbox is now flooded with inane questions of all sorts, thus severely limiting your chances of getting a reply. In fact, believe it or not, even my recent e-mail to Steve went unanswered. But luckily for all of us, there is now El Jobso, a virtual Steve that will answer all your questions instantly, and it’s about as verbose as the real deal. Here are some sample responses I received:
Can i get a free iPad? I don’t need a 3G one, WiFi is cool.
Sent from my iPad.
Why should I buy an iPad?
Yes, I do hate Eric Schmidt.
Sent from my iSlate (checking out an old prototype).
Will the new iPhone OS be released alongside the iPad?
I’m on a horse.
Sent from Phil’s Blackberry.
Why don’t you buy a smaller shirt?
I’m sending Katie C. after you. You’ll regret you asked that.
Sent from Mars.
When is the NEXT iPad with coming out? The one with the Camera?
It sounds like you’re just looking for someone to get mad at other than yourself.
Sent from my wife’s iPod touch.
Will I be able to use the iPad to manufacture weapons of mass destruction?
Good artists copy, great artists steal.
Sent from my iSlate (checking out an old prototype).
There’s a good reason why these answers are so dead-on. The site was created by Andrea Nepori, who famously received a REAL reply from Steve of “Yep” when asking if the current selection of eBooks would work on the iPad.
Putting the article to the side…you really need to get Andrea Nepori as a Mac Chick Of The Month!
Did they really take your soul with your liver?
It’s alive and well.
Sent from my Pippin.
Funnny stuff. It’s killing me doc you don’t have a retweet button.
Andrea Nepori is a guy.