On line at the Sydney iPad Sleepout - Macenstein

On line at the Sydney iPad Sleepout

Faithful Macenstein reader Jeremy Moses sent us this very cool mini documentary he and his friends at Variety Garage made giving us a glimpse behind the scenes of the iPad launch at Sydney’s Flagship Apple Store. (Well, really it appears to be a documentary of one very cute line waiter named “Jade” who for the record has an open invitation to be our Mac Chick of the Month), but it’s still very interesting to see what goes on during one of these overnight launch day campouts, and who’s actually on line. Their dedication ALMOST makes my 1 hour wait outside Best Buy on launch day pale in comparison. Almost.

6 Responses to “On line at the Sydney iPad Sleepout”
  1. Jeremy Moses says:

    Thanks so much for putting this up.
    Hope you enjoy!

  2. photogirl says:

    Jade was playing with her Uncle’s “older version”?? Am I missing something? Plus, why are some of them even in line if they have an iPad…. while they are IN line….??

  3. Joe says:

    on line? i just had a discussion about the phrase “on line.” I use in line. Are you from northern Jersey?

  4. Jeremy Moses says:

    By the way, speaking of attractive girls, check out this drunk one interrupting our interview. It’s one of the outtakes…

    From http://www.varietygarage.com

  5. jade luque says:

    to whoever wrote this its jade the ‘line waiter’ from the ipad launch thanks for the compliments i really enjoyed my 15 mins of fame lol and would love to do it all again 🙂

  6. Uncle Pepe says:

    Do i need to ask you or should I say pay you to line up with me for the new iPhone 4 launch? “Older version” as in the wifi before I got my hands on the 3G version, thats what my niece meant LOL..

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