Them’s FIGHTIN’ WORDS! (I think…) - Macenstein

Them’s FIGHTIN’ WORDS! (I think…)

GEEK FIGHT! GEEK FIGHT! So, how did Android chief Andy Rubin respond to Steve JobsAndroid bashing during yesterday’s Apple earnings conference call? He did what ANY man would do, he made a somewhat over my head techy Tweet in Android code, (his first tweet ever, in fact!).

OUCH! Take THAT Steve!

Actually, in looking at it, all Andy’s tweet really says is that Android is an open platform, which is pretty much what Steve said. What Steve’s problem was is that he feels “open” does not equal “better” in terms of the end user experience, and Andy seems to have missed that.

via techcrunch

5 Responses to “Them’s FIGHTIN’ WORDS! (I think…)”
  1. Colin says:

    That’s not Android code. He’s just showing how easy it is to clone (download) the android source and compile it from the command line.

    But yeah, Andy missed the point. Although, in his defense, sometimes your judgement is a little cloudy when someone calls your baby ugly.

  2. ObamaPacman says:

    Of course, Fandroids are blind. Agreed. =)

  3. Jared says:

    That’s not what Joe Hewitt thinks!

  4. Kenneth says:

    Ironic actually, since the platform fragmentation (“openness”) is Androids biggest problem.

  5. Aurélien says:

    I don’t think he missed the point. He proved it with accuracy.
    It’s open, and it’s NOT user friendly.

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