Susan Kare’s Mac icon prints are the perfect holiday gift (for ME)
AHHH!!! Why couldn’t faithful Macenstein reader Jason have told us about these awesome signed Mac OS icon prints from original pixel art icon Susan Kare BEFORE I loaded my Christmas list with Angry Birds plush dolls?!?!

Oh well, at $90 a pop, these would have made a rather expensive Christmas for the Bride of Macenstein, as I obviously would need the whole set (just like the Angry Birds plush dolls). For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kare’s work, well, odds are you actually ARE familiar with her work, assuming your love of Apple pre-dates OS X. Kare worked at Apple in the early 80’s designing UI icons and fonts (including the old Chicago system font) and many of her icons still live on in one variant or another today.
Woah… Flashback, awesome stuff, thanks Doc and the of course the creator of these… Now to find a way to make my wallet to agree with all these thanks and magically fill with the green stuff…
Dude, are you drunk?
The “spotted dog” is actually the original, before it mutated into Clarus the dogcow.