Nerd Alert! Nerd Alert!
Yes, my Justice League MacBook Pro decal is truly impressive, what with the Apple Logo illuminating Superman’s “S” and all. But to really appreciate how awesome I am, and to properly gauge just how much you should want to be my friend, I think it’s best to take a step back and view the decal in the greater context of my office.
Notice how I have not only placed the MacBook directly under a poster of the Justice League, (in the same classic grouping as the decal) but I’ve also aligned my set of 12-inch JL figures, in their corresponding positions. Sure, the purists may point out that neither Atom or Green Arrow are in the poster or decal, but I have pushed them back somewhat to minor roles on the shelf.
Of course, the only problem is I rarely have my MBP facing the wall, so no one ever gets to experience the thrill of this triple-threat-feast-for the eyes. That is, no one but YOU, dear readers.
You’re welcome.
What is the lotion and tissue for in the first picture? 😉
Put a mirror on the wall, me thinks.
“Of course, the only problem is I rarely have my MBP facing the wall, so no one ever gets to experience the thrill of this triple-threat-feast-for the eyes.”
Nothing that a mirror on the wall wouldn’t fix. Except that Superman would be transmogrified into Zuperman.
I “coincidentally” picked up the lotion and tissues right after my wife got me the new Wonder Woman figure for my birthday.
(I totally knew I should have cropped that out)
– The Doc
Doc, you crack me up 😀
Well, a Watchmen poster would also fit well, don’t you think?
That’s nice! Maybe I can make a decal like that myself using my printer. Hmmm~~~~~
Stupid question: how big is that JLA Decal? Or to phrase that differently: Does it fit on my MacBookAir?
Yo Doc, where’d you get those awesome JL action figures?
That totally rocks man! Luvs me some Justice League.
that is sooo sweet. i want!