Submit your iPhone location data and help create some beautiful crowd-sourced art - Macenstein

Submit your iPhone location data and help create some beautiful crowd-sourced art

crowdsourced iPhone data Frankfurt

crowdsourced iPhone data from Frankfurt

For those of you are NOT flipping out about the iPhone tracking data being “crowd-sourced” by Apple, there’s a new project called CrowdFlowbeing developed by Michael Kreil, Lorenz Matzat, and Dr. Huxorn that allows you to submit your iPhone location log file in order to create a visualization of how various wifi and cell networks are distributed all over the world.

The results, as you can see, are actually quite beautiful, and dare I say, border on art.

crowdsourced iPhone data from Germany

crowdsourced iPhone data from Germany

Or maybe it just looks like how the Earth will look moments before it meets its demise in a Kryton-like explosion. Either way, I say it looks cool.

If you would like to contribute your log file (and there is an option to still do so anonymously, if you are a wuss, check out the upload instructions here.

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