Wow, even the viruses on the Mac look nice
Check out this video from YouTuber TheEdBott showing the Mac Guard/ Mac Defender virus installing with no password. Having never actually seen the virus, I must say, it DOES look pretty cool, much better designed than those Windows popups I get while surfing (on my Mac) telling me my Windows system is infected. “Here’s a start to finish, unedited video that shows how the Mac Guard fake AV program goes from a seemingly innocent Google search result to a full install... Read More
Here’s why Apple Support shouldn’t be helping people clear their Mac Defender Malware off their system
ZDNet’s Ed Bott (of the Microsoft Report) appears to be really pushing this Mac Defender Malware thing – doing his best to make sure the press goes nuts and blows the story out of proportion. His latest article, “Apple to support Reps: “Do Not attempt to remove malware“, aside from being link bait, appears to be missing the point. According to a recently leaked memo (below), Apple has told its AppleCare employees to not assist in removing the newly released... Read More
Submit your iPhone location data and help create some beautiful crowd-sourced art
crowdsourced iPhone data from Frankfurt For those of you are NOT flipping out about the iPhone tracking data being “crowd-sourced” by Apple, there’s a new project called “CrowdFlow” being developed by Michael Kreil, Lorenz Matzat, and Dr. Huxorn that allows you to submit your iPhone location log file in order to create a visualization of how various wifi and cell networks are distributed all over the world. The results, as you can see, are actually... Read More
Apple releases “Apple Q&A on Location Data” to calm down the Nervous Nellies
In addition to two other boring press releases (white iPhone 4 tomorrow, iPad 2 in Japan this week) Apple PR just released their far more fun to read Apple Q&A on Location Data (below) in an attempt to address the would-be media storm surrounding the unencrypted location tracking data stored on the iPhone. (And OK, I’ll admit, I also wanted to use my awesome “Mantracker” graphic again). As expected, Apple says it is not “tracking” anyone, and... Read More
How and Why Steve Jobs and The Grim Reaper Track your iPhone
Of COURSE! It all makes sense now! Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Tim for the link! Read More
Steve Jobs says Apple doesn’t track anyone: But everyone else DOES
A MacRumors reader (along , I assume, with about 10,000 other people and press) sent an e-mail to Steve Jobs about the whole “OMG the iPhone is letting the terrorists know my every move” debacle, and actually hit the lottery and got a reply. And what a reply it is! Q: Steve, Could you please explain the necessity of the passive location-tracking tool embedded in my iPhone? It’s kind of unnerving knowing that my exact location is being recorded at all times. Maybe... Read More
Everyone’s a privacy nut until they get lost in the woods and need someone to come find them
It looks like I am apparently one of the few, if not the only, tech journalists out there who is not freaking out about the newly discovered “location tracking” file having been found on both the iPhone and the backup the iPhone makes on your computer each time you sync. If you somehow missed it, the short version is Apple has apparently been logging the location of every iPhone on the planet and storing the time and location of everywhere the iPhone has been for... Read More
Sophos gives free bicycles to fish
We Mac users like to smugly think we need anti-virus software like a fish needs a bicycle, and we’re right. However, I can’t pass up free stuff, whether I need it or not. My infamously large collection of promotional Frisbees and bank pens stands as a testament to that. Well, security software company Sophos today decided to generously fill a void we didn’t really know we had by offering its new Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition for FREE. As you can... Read More
No Wonder Apple hates Java – New Java Trojan Attacks OS X
Oh snap! Time to panic and blow things out of proportion! Another OS X Trojan Horse is on the loose, and this time it’s personal. Personal, in this case, meaning it can get you where it hurts – FACEBOOK! According to SecureMac (which has more than a passing interest in security fear mongering…) SecureMac has discovered a new trojan horse in the wild that affects Mac OS X, including Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6), the latest version of OS X. The trojan horse, trojan.osx.boonana.a,... Read More
MacScan free today only – Free Virus Scanning Software
If for some reason you feel like running virus software on your Mac, SecureMac has made it’s more-than-decent MacScan virus protection software free, today only. Instructions are as follows: To receive a free copy of MacScan for Mac OS X: Apple Mac Users (running Mac OS X 10.2.4 and higher) can participate in this offer by going to the MacScan website ( ) and downloading the free trial of MacScan. Once the product is downloaded simply install... Read More
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