steve jobs - Macenstein

Flowers outside the Shanghai Apple Store

Faithful Macenstein reader Min Wei writes: “Hi Doc, I was on the bus this morning and read the news about Steve. It is so sad he is gone. I happened to pass the Apple Store at Pudong Shanghai. There are some flowers and his picture in front of the store. Many shoppers stopped and paid their respects before they entered the store. Here are the three photos I took. The last one with the apple store glass tower now looks like a monument just made for Steve Jobs for us to... Read More

WTF? Why isn’t Mr. Macintosh in Lion?

While Mac OS X Lion grudgingly beat Windows 7 in a recent laptop Magazine article, I’m pretty sure Lion would have swept it if Apple had thought to finally incorporate Mr. Macintosh into the OS like Steve (allegedly) dreamed. Who’s Mr. Macintosh, you ask? Well, according to an article by Andy Hertzfeld at “Steve Jobs often came by Texaco Towers after dinner, to see what was new, and we’d usually show him whatever recent progress we made.... Read More

The best smelling portrait of Steve Jobs ever

Anyone else love the smell of dry erase markers? And glue? And deadly chemicals in general? Well, check out this sweet Steve Jobs portrait made on iPhone development house Übermind’s whiteboard. (Timelapse video below).  Read More

Ukrainian Defense Secretary steals Steve Jobs’ Stanford speech

Well over 4 million people have watched the below YouTube video of Steve Jobs’ uplifting Stanford commencement speech, including, apparently, Ukrainian Secretary of National Security and Defense Raisa Bogatyreva. Business Insider is reporting that Bogatyreva lifted quite a few lines from Jobs’ speech, word for word in a recent address she gave. Now, assuming she first translated them into whatever language it is Ukrainians speak, I must say, I think it’s... Read More

Steve Jobs look-a-like selling tea in Taiwan

Oh, Steve’s not gonna like this. Or is he? A Taiwan-based tea company has posted a new ad featuring a Steve Jobs look-a-like letting people know they can earn a chance to win an iPad 2 with each purchase. Apple recently cracked down on contests using “iPhone” and “iPad” in their promotional materials, and they’ve been quick to protect Steve’s image in the past. Still, there’s something charming about the use of Steve to sell tea... Read More

Season Premiere of South Park targets iPhone location tracking with the Human Centipad

Wow those guys work fast. I have always been impressed with how quickly the guys at South Park can crank out a topical episode, but I HAVE to imagine this was a perfect storm of South Park already going to make their “Human Centipad” sketch, and then they somehow were able to tack on a 2 minute tracking piece. If not, they must have literally gotten their turn around time from script to air down to about 6 days. If you missed the episode, I assume it will be rerun... Read More

How and Why Steve Jobs and The Grim Reaper Track your iPhone

Of COURSE! It all makes sense now! Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Tim for the link!  Read More

Steve Jobs, frozen in carbonite iPhone case feels like something I should want, but don’t

Society6 is selling a “Steve Jobs in Carbonite” iPhone case for $35 that in theory is such a perfect geeky combination that I SHOULD want to own it. But something about it just feels so very creepy… I’m not sure I would want to touch it, let alone hold it really close to my cheek. Still, the idea IS oddly awesome. If the iPhone case isn’t your thing, it’s also available as a decal, art print, and T-Shirt. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader... Read More

Steve Jobs says Apple doesn’t track anyone: But everyone else DOES

A MacRumors reader (along , I assume, with about 10,000 other people and press) sent an e-mail to Steve Jobs about the whole “OMG the iPhone is letting the terrorists know my every move” debacle, and actually hit the lottery and got a reply. And what a reply it is! Q: Steve, Could you please explain the necessity of the passive location-tracking tool embedded in my iPhone? It’s kind of unnerving knowing that my exact location is being recorded at all times. Maybe... Read More

Apple shuts down M.I.C., once again

Ahh, would you look at what I got in the mail today, a message form M.I.C telling me that Apple has ordered them to stop selling their iHub USB hub. Luckily, it says my order will still be honored, so it would seem I am quickly building quite the collection of “Apple-legal-cease-and-desist” devices from M.I.C, already having ordered and received my banned Steve Jobs action figures. What I find most interesting about this is obviously M.I.C knows Apple will shut them... Read More


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