The Awesome iPad Art of Chris Seddon - Macenstein

The Awesome iPad Art of Chris Seddon

Tina Fey (or Sarah Palin) by Chris Seddon

Tina Fey or Sarah Palin? Either way, it's dead-on.

Illustrator Chris Seddon has some pretty impressive work, but I’m always a little extra impressed when someone can crank out that work on an iPad.

I spent about 2 days toying with the various big name drawing apps on the iPad before giving up and sticking with paper, but some artists like Seddon apparently stuck with it (using Sketch Club on the iPad) and have achieved great results, such as The Dude

The Dude (Big Lebowski) Chris Seddon

and my favorite, the incomparable Danny Trejo, who has NEVER made a bad movie!

Danny Trejo by Chris Seddon

Do yourself a favor and check out more of Chris’ portraits and other work at his site.

2 Responses to “The Awesome iPad Art of Chris Seddon”
  1. John says:

    The problem for me with iPad art is that you (apparently) need to be good at non-iPad art first. Or, at least, also. I can’t even draw a reasonable stick figure on an iPad.

    This guys kicks ass.

  2. imajoebob says:

    Must be Fey. My Vomit MeterĀ® didn’t go off.

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