Enter to Win: An IDAPT i2+ Universal Desktop Charger - Macenstein

Enter to Win: An IDAPT i2+ Universal Desktop Charger

According to our demographics, odds are if you are a regular visitor to Macenstein, you are a 23-35 year-old male college graduate, who may or may not be married with children, which means if I were to break into your home while you were out (or sleeping), I would expect to find no fewer than 4 USB-chargeable gadgets. Likely you own at least ONE iPhone and one iPad, and perhaps even an iPod or two.

Well, it doesn’t take a 23-35 year-old male college graduate to know that keeping those things charged is a pain, and can lead to unsightly cord clutter as well. That is why you NEED the IDAPT i2+ Universal Desktop Charger. And we just happen to have one sitting in our prize closet!

iDapt 2+ iPhone charger

IDAPT: i2+ Universal Desktop Charger

    • Charge up to 4,000 different mobile electronic devices with one simple solution
    • Charge up to 3 devices simultaneously using the 2 charging ports and 1 USB connection
    Interchangeable “quick release” tip system allows for easy, customizable charging
    • Compatible with over 4,000 different electronic devices including iPhone, iPad, iPod, BlackBerry, Droid, GPS systems, Bluetooth devices, cameras, XBOX controllers, PSP and Nintendo DS
    Package includes 6 of the most popular tips – miniUSB, microUSB, iPod/iPhone, Samsung 4, Nokie 2 and Sony Ericcson 2

To enter: Simply leave us a comment below listing what USB-chargeable gadgets you currently have in your home.

Contest ends Friday, May 13th at midnight EST. Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck!

123 Responses to “Enter to Win: An IDAPT i2+ Universal Desktop Charger”
  1. minicyc says:

    iPhone, Shuffle, BB, blueant stereo headphones, bluetooth headset

  2. juergen says:

    Oh my macenstein, there should be some:
    – iPhone 4
    – HTC Desire
    – iPod Shuffle 1st Generation
    – iPod Shuffle 2nd Generation
    – iPod nano 1st Generation
    – iPod touch 1st Generation
    – iPod touch 3rd Generation
    – Jawbone BT Headset

    and coming soon:
    – iPad 2
    – Asus Eee Pad Transformer
    – new BT Headset

    Greetings juergen

  3. Paul says:

    iPod Touch, iPad, iPod Shuffle, and a TomTom that switches itself on randomly in the middle of the night and says in a British voice “at the end of the road, turn right”.

  4. Monica I. says:

    iPhone 3G, Mophie Juice pack air, occasional BlackBerry visitor, solar battery pack (when in a rush to leave), BT headset, Shuffle Gen 1, Shuffle Gen 2, iPod classic

  5. Jvdmeulen says:

    iPhone 2g for my wife, 3GS for me, iPad and iPad2, ipaq for navigation

  6. Tyson Junkers says:

    iPhone 4, iPad 2, Amazon Kindle, and my fiance’s Blackberry! It sucks having to plug them all in seperately!

  7. Tikitikiii!!! says:

    iPhone 3G and 4, iPad, iPod touch, 2 nanos, shuffle, PSP and Nokia n97 mini.

  8. rjhtpr says:

    iPhone, iPod, pocket video camera, camera, Garmin GPS, Bluetooth headset… would love to have the ease of charging most of them simultaneously

  9. Ned says:

    iPod touch 4G and a Samsung Tocco…

    It’d be great to get rid the wires 🙂

  10. mrzo says:

    iPhone, iPod, BT Headset, 2 (stupid) cell phones…

  11. Aldo Johnson says:

    iPhone, ipod touch, a 2Tb Seagate harddisk, an older 250mb WD harddisk,

  12. Min says:

    iPhone 4. That’s it.

  13. Jayce says:

    iPhone, iPhone 3g, iPhone 4, Motorola Phone.

    I really wish you were giving away two of these….

  14. Chris B says:

    iPad, iPhone, Nokia phone, Bluetooth headset

  15. Jeff says:

    iphone 4, iphone 3GS, iphone 3, ipod 3g, ipod 5g,
    mophie powerstation,

  16. Ruben says:

    – iPhone 4
    – iPad 2
    – iPhone Bluetooth Headset
    – JustMobile Power Pack
    + soon my Girlfriend’s iPhone 4

    And THANK YOU for a world-wide contest!

  17. Brian says:

    iPhone 3G
    2nd gen iPod

  18. MP says:

    2 iPhone 4s
    iPod Shuffle
    A couple of Bluetooth headsets
    A number of flashlights
    Several Logitech mice

  19. ZX6R says:

    iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, some Nokia pos, iPad2, 3 Motorola bt headsets, DS, DSXL and many different iPods

  20. rkb37 says:

    2 iPad 2s
    2 iPhone 3GSs
    1 iPhone 2G
    3 iPod nanos
    there’s probably more…

  21. Gregg Overmeyer says:

    iPhones, Pads & Pods, oh my!

  22. Patrick says:

    Currently plugged into a Belkin travel charger I’ve got an iPhone 4, iPad 2 & a Nook wifi.

  23. right_geek says:

    Only iPod Touch 1, iPhone 3, iPhone 4, and Kindle Wi_Fi currently, though I am planning to buy an iPad as well.

  24. Gregg says:

    2 iphone 4s, 1 iphone 3g, 1 ipod classic, 1 logitech harmony remote, 1 jawbone headset. Nuff said.

  25. David says:

    3 ipads, 3 iphones, 1 ipod touch, 1 ipod classic and several old ipods.

  26. Curtis says:

    2 iPhones (original and 3gs) 1 iPod Classic, 1 iPod nano, 2 iPod shuffles, 1 iPad 2, 1 logitech harmony remote, 4 PS3 controllers, 1 sony bluetooth headset, 1 jawbone bluetooth headset, 1 sony cybershot camera…. umm, i’m sure there is more that i’m forgetting

  27. Alejandro says:

    iPhone 3GS
    iPhone 3G
    iPod nano
    iPod 5G
    Garmin Forerunner GPS watch
    couple of cameras

  28. Jake says:

    iPhone 4
    BlackBerry Bold
    Jawbone Era
    iPod 5
    iPod Nano

  29. A.W. says:

    iPhone 4
    iPod shuffle
    Bluetooth headset
    iPad 2 (coming soon)

  30. Darrell says:

    iPhone 3GS
    iPhone 2g
    IPad wi-fi
    IPod nano
    Garmin nuvi
    And a ps3 controller 🙂

  31. Damien says:

    2 iPhones, iPad, 2 bluetooth headsets, camera, old iPod

  32. hamsammich says:

    I currently own at least 8 devices that I can think of. I’m sure there are some in the graveyard tubs under my bed and in the garage, however.

  33. Andrew Madson says:

    iPhone 4, 6th Gen Nano, iPod Classic, iPad 2, XBox Controllers.

  34. Patrick says:


  35. Balint says:

    iPhone, iPod, Camera, Bluetooth headphones

  36. antonis says:

    iPhone, iPad

  37. Georg says:

    Hmmm, let’s see…

    – iPhone 3GS
    – iPod Color 20G
    – iPod Nano 4G
    – BlackBerry 8820

    … there must be more, but I can’t find ’em.

  38. Heather L says:

    3 iPhones, 2 iPods, 2 nooks, 2 cameras,

  39. Raul says:

    LG Tmobile G2X
    iPhone 3G
    iPod nano
    Garmin Forerunner GPS watch

  40. Justin says:

    Iphone 4
    Iphone 3GS
    iphone 3G
    Ipod (80gb)
    Jabra Headset
    PS3 controllers

  41. Daeway says:

    iPhone, iPod classic, iPad, BlackBerry, iPod shuffle, PS3 controllers and that’s about it.

  42. Joe says:

    Ipad, Iphone, ipod shuffle, DS,

  43. Edgar says:

    iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, 2x PS3 Controllers,

  44. apod says:

    iPhone 4, iPad, iPad 2

  45. Justin says:

    iPod Touch
    sony ericsson c905
    xbox 360 headset
    xbox 360 controller

  46. Bad Horse 58 says:

    All generations of the iPhone
    Two headsets
    BT headphones
    iPad 1
    Mophie juice pack
    iPod shuffle

  47. Joel says:



    Samsung Galaxy

    Xbox 360 headset

    Xbox 360 controller

    PS3 headset

    PS3 controller


  48. The Captain says:

    OMG, this could take a while if I listed all but here goes:

    1. iPhone First Generation
    2. iPhone 4
    3. iPod
    4. Keychain mini speaker
    5. Two, Griffin USB PowerBlocks chargers
    6. 20 LED Desk Lamp
    7. iRain speaker/radio
    8. Dr. Who Tardis USB Hub (for more ports with sound FX)
    9. USB rechargeable flashlight
    10. Video Cam Cord (always on stand bye)
    11. Griffin PowerBlock Reserve
    12. Griffin Simplifi


  49. myztero says:

    4 iPhones, 3 iPads, 2 iPod Touches, 1 iPod Nano.

  50. Adam M says:

    iPhone 4
    Sony E-Reader
    Bluetooth headset
    PS3 controllers

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