Steve Jobs look-a-like selling tea in Taiwan - Macenstein

Steve Jobs look-a-like selling tea in Taiwan

Oh, Steve’s not gonna like this. Or is he? A Taiwan-based tea company has posted a new ad featuring a Steve Jobs look-a-like letting people know they can earn a chance to win an iPad 2 with each purchase.

Apple recently cracked down on contests using “iPhone” and “iPad” in their promotional materials, and they’ve been quick to protect Steve’s image in the past. Still, there’s something charming about the use of Steve to sell tea and it would be nice if Steve had a sense of humor about the parody.

Of course, Steve’s image combined with the iPad2 could easily cause confusion and be seen as an official endorsement by Apple, so I would expect this ad to be pulled soon. Still I give the ad company an E for effort.

8 Responses to “Steve Jobs look-a-like selling tea in Taiwan”
  1. Jack says:

    Weird, as a Taiwanese myself, I haven’t seen this ad on the local TV.

    • dan bloom says:

      Jack, i am in Taiwan too, and the ad is on MTV channel daily, 24/7…..i saw with my own eyes and ears and i sent the news tip to AllThingsD in USA and Kara Swisher started the meme worldwide following my initial blogpost at “SAY IT IN 17 WORDS” blog here in Chiayi City and funny, you know, of all the sites that picked up the story so far, over 1000 sites worldwide, from India to Italy, not one site has credited the source for this, see facts here:….

      i blogged about a Steve Jobs video of TV ad in tawian selling tea
      drink via Ipad compeition, i saw ad on TV yesterday in Taiwan and i
      sent news trip to Kara Swisher at AllThingsD,com abnd she used my
      story with credit….to my blog….but THEN it got picked up worlwdide going viral
      now adn not one website credits me as source….I LOVE internet not
      credint soruces….har!,,and i don’tr mind,,,just funny how they all
      write story like tHEY discovered it…. KARA was there first and no
      credit to her or ALL THINGS d either,,and MAY DAILY wesbite in Beijing also picked up with credit


      Credit/Source: ”Dan Bloom” [google] in Taiwan, sharp and alert
      despite 2009 heart attack and stent now, offloading to AllThingsD via
      Kara Swisher, simuk to TechEye in UK and May Daily

  2. Jonro says:

    Gotta give them credit for a job well done.

  3. ArtOfWarfare says:

    I like when he pushes the icon at :15

  4. Bunyip says:

    I like how they have to pan off his face when he says the product name. It sounds like they had to dub in another voice to pronounce it correctly.
    @Jonro – Gag of the week for me mate – nice one!

  5. dan bloom says:

    Nicole Martinelli good post writes

    ”Fake Steve Jobs Ad Violates Apple’s Promo Policy ”

    This ad is a twofer of bad taste: Taiwanese tea makers use a Steve
    Jobs lookalike as they violate Apple’s policy on third-party

    The 21-second ad stars a fake Steve promoting Pecos tea and the
    company’s iPad 2 giveaway.
    Apple recently started enforcing its guidelines for third-party
    giveaways — namely forbidding all iPad freebies. The guidelines (.PDF
    here) were set out in April 2010, but Apple is only going after
    companies who have not adopted them correctly now.

    In some cases, Apple simply discourages giveaways — you must buy 250
    iPods to use them in a contest, for example.

    But according to the guidelines, Apple’s hottest products are all
    strictly verboten when it comes to freebies:
    “iPad, iPhone and the iPhone Gift Card may not be used in third-party

    Blogger Dan Bloom says the drink the Steve doppleganger hawks in a
    mock keynote is called Tong Yi Cha, a “sugary sweet tea concoction
    sold in the 10,000 plus convenience stores that make an appearance at
    every street corner in Taiwan.”

    We’ve asked Apple for comment and will let you know if they reply.

    This ad is a twofer of bad taste: Taiwanese tea makers use a Steve
    Jobs lookalike as they violate Apple’s policy on third-party

    The 21-second ad stars a fake Steve promoting Pecos tea and the
    company’s iPad 2 giveaway.
    Apple recently started enforcing its guidelines for third-party
    giveaways — namely forbidding all iPad freebies. The guidelines (.PDF
    here) were set out in April 2010, but Apple is only going after
    companies who have not adopted them correctly now.

    In some cases, Apple simply discourages giveaways — you must buy 250
    iPods to use them in a contest, for example.

    But according to the guidelines, Apple’s hottest products are all
    strictly verboten when it comes to freebies:
    “iPad, iPhone and the iPhone Gift Card may not be used in third-party

    Blogger Dan Bloom says the drink the Steve doppleganger hawks in a
    mock keynote is called Tong Yi Cha, a “sugary sweet tea concoction
    sold in the 10,000 plus convenience stores that make an appearance at
    every street corner in Taiwan.”

    We’ve asked Apple for comment and will let you know if they reply.

  6. danny says:

    two views of jobs

  7. danny says:

    Brook Hall is Steve Jobs, or he was for a 21-second TV ad.
    The Taiwan based American used little wires to tweak his face and great makeup to channel the Apple leader.
    He appeared in a tea drink commercial and caused a minor YouTube sensation, with upward of 185,000 hits.
    The ad, part of an iPad giveaway, was described by Brooks as “a fun three hours to try to imitate him – there was a great makeup and hair team, and little wires that pull your eyes and cheeks that can reshape your face a bit. I just studied the walk and the speech patterns.”

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