Why has Apple’s Training and Certification” page been down for nearly a week? - Macenstein

Why has Apple’s Training and Certification” page been down for nearly a week?

Hey, have you checked out Apple’s Training and Certification page lately? Us neither. But apparently it has been down for awhile.

Apple's Training and Certification page down

Hmmm... define "soon"

Faithful Macenstein reader Andrew asks: “Apple’s training & certification website is down, and it appears that it may have been down at least since July 20 according to Google’s cache of the site. What’s up with that?”

No idea, Andrew. For all we know that site has been down for 8 years. So we ask YOU, readers has anyone else
frequented the site and know what the deal is? Thanks!

4 Responses to “Why has Apple’s Training and Certification” page been down for nearly a week?”
  1. Jesse says:

    The page has been one of my always open tabs for a while now… I’ve been meaning to sign up for some courses and thats kind of like my reminder. None the less I was no longer able to load this page since the day after Lion came out. I would imagine with a new OS release new training courses will become available, but what barence that has on the training locations (also shown on this page) I have no idea…

    I really didn’t feel like driving to Pittsburgh (my closest training place.) Hoping this means more training options when the page comes back if it ever comes back!

  2. fractured says:

    I was in a class when there was a webinar for all the training centers on July 29th, I believe. Apple is completely redoing the certification program now. It came about with the new FCP/Motion/Compressor, but includes changes with Lion, etc. It seems Apple is scaling back on the certifications and is getting rid of the Master Certification level. My understanding is that this has upset the trainers who really understand the Pro Apps and train people on them.

  3. fractured says:

    Sorry… June 29th.

  4. davewhippedgoliath says:

    the actual cetrtifications page is up and running and they are revamping for Lion

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