Apple rumor mill in a tizzy as Apple pushes back the imaginary iPhone release date they made up - Macenstein

Apple rumor mill in a tizzy as Apple pushes back the imaginary iPhone release date they made up

Dragon attack causes iPhone 5 delays

Artist's conception of what is going on at Foxcon's Chengdu plant right now

If there’s one thing you have to admire about the Apple rumor mill, it’s the way they can always make a big story out of the imaginary release date they’ve set for Apple’s latest unannounced gadget getting “pushed back”. Despite there never actually BEING a release date, the iPhone 5 has apparently been pushed back from the end of August, to the first two weeks of September, and now all the way back to (GASP) October.

The mind can only wonder what mythological calamity must have fallen Apple’s factories to cause this imaginary delay in the iPhone 5’s release. At the moment we can only assume a dragon attack, although it being August, a minotaur invasion seems just as likely.

2 Responses to “Apple rumor mill in a tizzy as Apple pushes back the imaginary iPhone release date they made up”
  1. Steven Thompson says:

    This is why macenstein is my favourite Apple site.

  2. ArtOfWarfare says:

    I was looking forward to the August / September updates! I’m stuck with a 3GS and would like a 5 already! I’ve been outdated for over a year now! You, as someone capable of upgrading every year without worrying about AT&T’s extra high prices for that, could never understand our pain (the other owners of 3GSs awaiting the 5.)

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