Games that Don’t Suck: DragonVale - Macenstein

Games that Don’t Suck: DragonVale

Today’s game that doesn’t suck is DragonValeicon (free/universal) , a Freemium title from BackFlip Studios. Before I go into why it doesn’t suck, let me just point out that this game actually came DANGEROUSLY close to getting a “Suck” rating, solely for the one fatal flaw that I will go into later in this review. However the awesomeness was ultimately able to beat out the suckage, so If you’re into Sim-like time wasters to help you escape the tedium that Is your real life, there is much to like in DragonVale.

Watch the above video if you don’t feel like reading anymore. It should give you a decent idea of the gameplay.

Long story short, DragonVale is a Sim-like game where you are put in charge of creating a (hopefully) successful Dragon Zoo. In order to bring in visitors to your park (or more importantly, your visitor’s MONEY into the park) you will need Dragons, and the bigger the better. There’s a quick tutorial that does an excellent job walking you through the basics of the game, and gets you set up with your first dragon, dragon habitat, and goes over the basics of how to feed and breed your dragons.

The breeding Cave is where you can corss breed species to create new ones.

Two of the biggest things DragonVale has going for it is that unlike other similar games, like God Finger, there is no real downside to not playing DragonVale for a couple of days. Your gold does not “spoil” or anything if you neglect your park, you simply don’t make any more money than each exhibit can generate until you collect that money. But second, and more central to what makes DragonVale so fun to play, is the ability to cross breed your dragons and create entirely new races of dragons. For example, you might decide to cross a Fire Dragon with an Earth Dragon and create a Lava type dragon, or a Plant and Fire Dragon to create a Poison type Dragon. For some reason there’s a very Pokemon feel to the game in that each of your dragons starts out so adorably cute that you might not want to evolve them, but bigger dragons bring in bigger paydays, so feed them you will until they turn into very cool-looking adults.

All the dragons are adorable – At least as babies

Another big plus is the level design and art work. DragonVale is extremely colorful, and the animations are fluid and oddly fun to watch given how repetitive they ultimately are. There is much more to the game than I am going into here, but you probably will need to invest a good 6 or so hours playing in order to unlock some of the cooler achievements. Similar to other freemium games like Tiny Tower, you can speed things along by using the game’s “real money” currency of gems. However, you do not need to spend any money at all if you’re patient, and you can actually earn gems by having Game Center friends gift them to you (incidentally, my Game Center ID is “Dr Macenstein” (no period) and my iPad is “MacensteiniPad” if you have extra gems lying around…).

As you advance, you can purchase additional worlds to expand your park into

Kind of sucky though

Earlier I mentioned there was something about DragonVale that was so lame it almost cost it the coveted “Games that Don’t Suck” rating, and that thing is that for some reason I cannot fathom, it requires an internet connection to play. There is nothing about this game that is any different from Tiny Tower which plays fine on an iPod touch on a plane or long car ride, yet for some reason the game tells you it cannot launch without internet. The fact that DragonVale feels it needs to constantly talk to its server has me a little wary of what it’s doing and what it’s doing to my iPhone’s battery life/data usage when away from WiFi, but more importantly it alienates a HUGE potential part of the game audience – kids. If you’re an iPhone user, odds are the internet connection thing won’t be a problem, but since I got my kids addicted to the game as well, they have expressed their displeasure about this via the only way they know how – whining. And I have to listen to it.

So if BackFlip can just switch the way the game handles internet requirements (and again, I suggest the Tiny Tower method of check-in when you can, but play fine when away from internet as well) this game will be the perfect colorful timewaster.

203 Responses to “Games that Don’t Suck: DragonVale”
  1. CandyNJ says:

    I play everyday, Add me for GEMS! Also visit me for Cash!
    Let’s help each other out! My GC name is CandyNJ

  2. Lorisha says:

    Please add me! I have no friends! Ha ha. DollyPoppy

  3. Kylee says:

    Ooooh. I like gems and gifts in general!! Lol add me! Kylii.marii

  4. Meng says:

    Why I can not play dragonvale in china?

  5. Ramina says:

    I love this game. ADD MEE, Mariateocookie

  6. RjMcIvor says:

    Great game, add me guys, RjMcIvor
    gem trades xD

  7. conort650 says:

    hello add me on game center for dragon vale i send gems daily GC name= CONORT650

  8. scott says:

    hey guys. i need gems! and i will return the favor glady for a gem! add me on game center “scotthammer” is my name. i would love to help you out!

  9. me says:

    you need internet conection as if they got rid of this you could do the change the time cheat

  10. Yariny says:

    Add me for gem!!i have no friends lol… –

  11. John says:

    Add me for Exchanging Gems.
    I will Definitely send you if we do this

    Gamecenter : Drag0nvale (<–thats not O. it's zero)
    or try adding me by

  12. Houston Blaine says:

    The reason DragonVale requires an Internet connection is to prevent cheating. All the date is held online rather than on the iDevice. Specifically, one method they are preventing is the change time method. Say you have about 12 hours on an egg and you don’t want to wait that long. If this game had offline capability, you could go into settings and change the time 12 hours ahead from what it was. The reason the online/offline variable makes a difference is because when offline, the iDevice goes by the system battery. When online, in an app that utilizes time, you go by an online time.

  13. emil says:

    add me “svettesen”

  14. Dylan says:

    Add me as a friend and we will give each other gems.
    Name is doctor:-)

  15. Dylan says:

    How do u get a rainbow dragon?!?!!!?????!!!

  16. Owen says:

    Please add meh 😀 its:
    David Morrison

    Add and ill send you gems 🙂
    Thanks 😀

  17. Dude says:

    Interesting, for an article called, “Games that Don’t Suck” you feature a game that is the archtype of everything that sucks about modern games.

  18. DravenDeleterious says:

    ahh i love this game :’) GEMS FOR GEMS – ADD ME – DravenDeleterious :’) <3

  19. Code says:

    Hey all I just got a IPad2 and found Dragonvale and I love it game center ID is CodeMaster313 add me and all help you out.

  20. xiaowil says:

    add me too! xiaowil in gamecentre!=)

  21. Austin says:

    Best game ever add me gem for gem blah842

  22. Kittywannacookie says:

    add me on gc: xxglarebearxx
    im new and i have no friends, and need gems plz, ill return the favor!!

  23. nomarshadey says:

    add me I’m all day player give gem i need gem back feel free to add me. nomarshadey

  24. Jalletheso says:

    PLS ADD ME 😀 Gems 4 Gems, my GameCenter is jalletheso or jallzor xD otherwise my e-mail is

  25. nattapon says:

    Please add me “nattaponkr”. Normally I randomly distribute 3 gems everyday.
    By the way, I have a survey about iOS game here.

    Please help me reply it and reply this thread; I will give you a gem.
    Since I have only 3 gems per day, I will start from the first one. Be patient 🙂


  26. Icefreemank says:

    Ad mee for gems. Icefreemank

  27. STalian23 says:

    I do not know how to add people to this game center and where is game center I am new at this

  28. STalian23 says:

    I am new and would love it if you would add me STalian23

  29. Me,coz I'm me says:

    Hey, add me my game enter is royds4lifwe and we can swap gems 🙂

  30. rawacidrawr says:

    Add me: rawacidrawr

  31. Leanne says:

    Gems 4 gems 🙂 add me… leannel17

  32. CALSKE says:

    Hi guys add me on game center my name is CALKE gems 4 hems I will try and send one every day

  33. Dylan says:

    Add me and we can exchange gems??
    I need gems plz add me!!!!
    My name is doctor who king

  34. Cody says:

    Add me plz!!!
    We can exchange gems!!!!!
    My name is stud65

  35. nicole & jason says:

    add us for dragonvale gems Jason horgan


  36. Heidi says:

    Add me! ????
    Sending free gems ???? daily!!!



  37. Amanda says:

    Add me – gems for gems 😉

  38. will says:

    add me will send gifts theanimal41

  39. Judy says:

    Add me!!!!!!
    ill send you gems, and you guys can send me them too
    GC= joyfuljudy

    or account :

  40. Haley Haywood says:

    This game is crazy addicting! Add me!
    My email is

  41. SD Mom says:

    Became curious about this game when my visa bill came in this month and showed over $1,000 in “bag of gems” charges. Of course my 9 year old claims that he didn’t know he was being charged real $ – said the game was “glithcy” one day and the next time he played, he had tons and tons of gems in his account. As I don’t play these games, I’m wondering if anyone else is suspicious of the game’s online/wifi requirements. The game has to be played online so that the in-game charge feature can access your iTunes account without you having to miss a beat… or pay much attention… particularly if you are 9. Anyone else get caught in a quick charge they regret?

  42. Shanon says:

    I can’t build any new habitats. They are all ghosted. I’ve even moved stuff around to make room for one & still no luck. Any ideas? It’s kinda boring now that I can’t have any new ones. I’ve had a hatched egg waiting for its habitat for weeks now. Can someone please help me?? Thanx!

    • Al0823 says:

      You might have too many habitats for your current level. If you see in your habitats menu that a number like 11/11 is in the bottom corner of the pic, then you have too many habitats in your park. Too get around that, you may have to upgrade a habitat and fit your hatched dragon in there.

      • Shanon says:

        Thanx A10823 but that wasn’t the problem. I say wasn’t because for whatever reason, it rectified itself. I was @ 12/13 but still couldn’t add a habitat, even if I moved things around. It was like that for several weeks but all of a sudden, it was ok again. Super weird but good for me. Thanx again for responding to my question!

  43. Mike says:

    Just got an ipod touch and this is one of the first games that got me hooked.
    Looking for nice people to play with and possibly lead to other games we can play together =)
    Gamecenter nickname is Stealthxs

  44. Dragonvale says:

    Hi guys plz add me i’m (BTW that’s not my actual e-mail i just made it

  45. Al0823 says:

    Adddd me <3 LovelyLadyLucifer

  46. Eduardo Moreira says:

    Hey guys, proud lvl 20 player, willing to give gem for gem everyday, I promise u that I wil gift u a gem , and u will not have to worry. Since there’s only 3 gems for 3 ppl , I will get to u. Add me ! Edsless25760

  47. Samantha says:

    Hi everyone!

    Just started this game today and I love it! Reminds me of Chococo breeding from FFVII… haha. I’m new to this whole gem concept thing so please add me: sammi-kitti

  48. natashaczech says:

    Hi everyone!

    Please add me! I play and give gems everyday!
    Gem for gem!

    My game name : natashaczech

  49. BinGo_SkillzZ says:

    add BinGo_SkillzZ

  50. Gordo says:

    Gems for Xmas

    I’ve been gifting gems to all who promise to send gems back, but apart from the odd exception I rarely get a gem in return.

    I will return gem gifts if u gift them to me as I know it sucks to be gifting gems and not have any in return.

    Game centre name is GORDOLIU


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