Enter to win a TankBot! - Macenstein

Enter to win a TankBot!

Thank you, we have out winner. This contest is closed

I’d like you to close your eyes for a moment, and imagine the coolest thing in the world. Got it? Ok, it’s a cute tank that you can control with your iPhone, right? (Oh, you can open your eyes now, by the way… although you probably can’t see this… crap I should have thought this out better).

Yes, thanks to our good friends over at DeskPets we are giving one lucky reader their very own TankBot. What’s a TankBot? Oh, it’s just too adorable for words. Check out the video below.

We’ve been having a ball here at the lab running these guys through our home made mazes, and if this holiday you are looking for the perfect gift for the nerd in your life (like us) this is it.

To Enter: Sure the TankBot is only a couple inches high and can’t crush much of anything beneath its cute little treads, but we can dream. So in order to enter, leave us a comment telling us what ONE THING you wish you could run over with a real tank. Contest ends Thursday, November 25th 2011 at Midnight EST and is open to ALL readers WORLDWIDE. Winner will be picked randomly. Good luck!

143 Responses to “Enter to win a TankBot!”
  1. Vishal Kuber says:

    If I had to choose one thing I could run over with the a real tank it would have to be anyone who parks there car illegally. I don’t think giving them a parking ticket does justice anymore 🙂

    Twitter @VKuber

  2. Al says:

    My mother in law.

  3. Bradley says:

    My boss’ Audi A4.

  4. AKcrab says:

    I would run over the Macenstein headquarters.

  5. Brian says:

    My mother in law

  6. Glenn says:

    I’d run over my new Tankbot I’m trying to win.

  7. bzuni says:

    Bite side peanut butter cups!

  8. Leif Johnson says:

    My house, do over!

  9. Adam says:

    Old desktop computer.

  10. Steven T says:

    Cars. SO many cars. They will tremble before my magnificence. And then they will be crushed.

  11. George Gaame says:

    Bad driver in front of me!

  12. Serge says:

    my bosses car

  13. Grant Wall says:

    Running over the Microsoft Stores would be a good start.

  14. AJ says:

    That’s easy a car carrying both of my ex wives.

  15. Matt says:

    Run over Washington and maybe get some folks in that will actually do something In The Morning.

  16. Mike R. says:

    I’d like to run over one of those bouncy houses filled with lime jello.

  17. right_geek says:

    I would run over the morons who park on the sidewalks in my neighbourhood, preventing people from walking.

  18. Justin says:

    I’d run over my old truck.

  19. Aldo Johnson says:

    One of those blow-up bouncy castles thing. Or a biiiig bowl (or tank) of jello. Pink jello. Just to see a tank in jello in a tank.

  20. Isaac says:

    Just one? (few years ego I’ve been in one, the most exiting thing we ran over were some hedges).
    I’d wait for the next Justin bieber concert near me and silence him.

  21. Dustin Lowe says:

    I would run over ANYBODY THAT CALLS ME A FANBOY!!!!

  22. Dustin Lowe says:

    Oh yea, I forgot to ad MWAHAHAHAHA!

  23. darrell says:

    The Starbucks near my girlfriends house – it’s like an opium den for Guido hipsters…

  24. Paul says:

    Rick Perry

  25. andrew says:

    Samsung and Google!

  26. McPerlt says:

    The old, moldy school buildings!

  27. Felix says:

    The schools

  28. JorgeLuisBorges says:

    Another tank.

  29. David Kaplan says:

    I’d run over Syrian President Bashar Al Assad & Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the same time – two-fer!!

  30. Damien says:

    Traffic on the beltway!

  31. Karsten says:

    My old high school. With that bitch French teacher still in it.

  32. rkb37 says:

    I’d want to run over stupid people and all their possessions.

  33. mattywarbux says:

    The “Super Committee” in Washington, D.C.
    How d’ya like those defense cuts NOW?!?! HUH?! CAN YA FEEL IT?! YEEEEEEAHHHH!

  34. Jim says:

    The car next to me playing music loud enough to be heard in the next county.

  35. The Captain says:

    One think to crush? The person/persons on the freeway talking on their cell phones always cause accidents but never getting in one! *CRUNCH!!*

  36. Jonro says:

    I’d run over speed bumps and crush them into oblivion.

  37. Jessi says:

    A dinosaur.

    I’d feel bad for doing it, but at least I’d get to see an alive one.

  38. Nomis says:

    Hum … A car full of jellybean !

  39. Anything, to be honest. Pretty fun in any case.

  40. Tonyy says:

    Any car that’s moving slower than the tank i’m driving.

  41. Woodchip says:

    Protesters who aren’t smart enough to know what they are protesting.

  42. loser says:

    All the cars in a traffic jam

  43. Andrew B. says:

    A bubble-wrap factory, then I could die happy.

  44. Patrick says:

    Other Tanks!!!! Imagine the Satisfaction!

  45. Balint says:

    Crush all the cheaters on the internet!

  46. Mitch P says:

    I would probably keep it in my yard until the zombie apocalypse and use it then. 😀

  47. Tom says:

    Crackers, tons and tons of saltine crackers. Then I’d use em to bread green chiles, deep fry em and dunk em in ranch dressing. Mmm, yummy! Then all we’d need is a tanker-truck full of ale, and a whole lot of friends.

  48. Bonneville says:

    Oh, I so want run over my tendency to procrastinate… maybe tomorrow or so.

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