Sweet desktop wallpaper of the Pudong Apple Store, Shanghai - Macenstein

Sweet desktop wallpaper of the Pudong Apple Store, Shanghai

Macenstein‘s senior Shaghai correspondent, Min Wei snapped this sweet nighttime panorama of the iconic Pudong Apple Store in Shanghai, and was nice enough to share it with us. Click the image to download the full sized 2560 x 1600 wallpaper. Thanks Min!
Apple Store PuDong Panorama Desktop Wallpaper

3 Responses to “Sweet desktop wallpaper of the Pudong Apple Store, Shanghai”
  1. Min says:

    It’s my pleasure to share it, Dr. 🙂

  2. Rob says:

    Would love to go to that bad boy..and thanks for the picture. Only problem with the picture is the Apple logo is backwards…I would just fix it, but then Docks logo will be backwards.

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